i renamed repository from ui to i/dots

7 years ago

i created repository i/ui

9 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#43

Markdown parser putting <br> tags in the middle of ordinary paragraph text

@pharpend I may have misunderstood, but isn't the problem here that gogs is inserting a `<br>` tag everytime there is a line break in the markdown source (I too have this problem)? Because if so, https://github.com/gogits/gogs/issues/1009 is supposed to be the open issue for that.

9 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#44

Markdown parser and monospace text

There are *quite* a lot. I don't know about how hard it would be to switch, but I don't think this is the right place. You should probably report to either https://github.com/russross/blackfriday or https://github.com/gogits/gogs if you haven't already done so, because nab gogs still pulls from the official gogs repository.

10 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#43

Markdown parser putting <br> tags in the middle of ordinary paragraph text


10 years ago

i commented on issue demure/dotfiles#1

Repository structure

10 years ago

i opened issue demure/dotfiles#1

Repository structure

10 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#41

URLs and the Markdown parser

*got it

10 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#41

URLs and the Markdown parser

Ah I got. At first I didn't know what was going on here (I think it was late).

10 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#37

Could we add a service similar to gist.github.com?

Ah cool cool. ^_^

10 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#37

Could we add a service similar to gist.github.com?

To be honest, yes it would be nice, but I don't see it as that much of an essential feature, unless you can explain why it's important to you. I think it'd be better if hp and co here focus on the main gogs side of things first (i.e. the git hosting platform/service if that makes sense; Like you know how github distinguishes between github gist, and actual github?)

10 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#37

Could we add a service similar to gist.github.com?

@pharpend http://polr.me/1dc

10 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#39

Image hosting

Probably not. I think this mainly depends on disk space. Github has basically infinite (for all intents and purposes), so they can probably afford to automatically set this up and do it.

10 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#41

URLs and the Markdown parser

Hmm I'm not quite sure what the problem is (maybe the formatting got messed up a bit?).

10 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#24

Permalink for issue comments.

Of course, I have no idea about the codebase, so I can't say how easy or hard this is, but I have (only now) noticed that each comment (on an issue thread) has an `id` of the form `issue-comment-#` where `#` is a number. However, I don't know how that number is generated. I.e. Logic would dictate that the `id` of your comment would be `issue-comment-1`, but it's actually `issue-comment-85`.

10 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#22

Notifications indicator?

(@zPlus I forgot to say thanks for the clarification, so thanks!)

10 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#34

No notifications on issues?

*I don't want

10 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#34

No notifications on issues?

> Pleas comment back if they are :)

10 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#33

Issues GUI is inconsistent

Possible duplicate of #6?

10 years ago

i commented on issue hp/gogs#28

'Public activity' shows others' activity?

hp does say it's a bit peculiar, but if that's the case then it's alright. This isn't that big of a deal anyway in my opinion.

10 years ago