FAQ.md 1.2 KB

How will grammar/word order work?

The idea is to look at how word order is actually used across languages across the world, using something like google ngram, and then to use that to inform word order decisions. We are open to evidence on how to do this in an optimal way that remains 'fair' in the spirit of rahisibhasha and 'scientifically' (ie informed by evidence) valid.

How is this different from any other constructed langages?

It has an immediate use in the current global conversation, especially in public and global places like reddit, and it's a good excuse to learn bits and pieces of other languages to give speakers of those languages a hint of the ability to communicate with you.

It's different from esperanto/lobjan in that it is not meant to be used as a native language. It is not capable of the full level of ease and nuance. But it makes up for that in being scalable to the global level with minimal cognitive effort across the entire population of this space-ball.

It is different from avdenio in that it makes no pretense on being an elegant solution to the problem of many languages, only a 'good enough' one that leverages existing language knowledge to its benefit.