The Graph Template Library - GTL
GTL, the "Graph Template Library", can be seen as an
extension of the Standard Template Library STL to graphs and
fundamental graph algorithms.
Graphs are a common model for discrete relational structures,
such as diagrams, nets and networks, hierarchies, plans,
charts, or maps. And there are many important algorithms for
graphs, such us exhaustive search, shortest path, minimum
spanning tree, matching or network flow, with a wide range of
applications in areas such as Computer Science, Discrete
Mathematics, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Operations
Research, Engineering, Computer Aided Design, Project
Management, Production Planning, Surveillance, and Maintenance
Control, Cartography, and other application areas. The wide
use of graphs is also due to the fact that they have a natural
graphical representation and Graphlet is a tool for this.
GTL is a platform independent and extendible C++ library. It
is a useful aid to any software designer. GTL contains the
classes needed to work with graphs, nodes and edges and some
fundamental algorithms as building blocks for more complex
graph algorithms. Further algorithms are under development.
Customized algorithms can be developed by experienced
programmers. A major step shall be support for models of
hierachically structured graph and the efficient manipulation
of really large graphs.
GTL has been designed and programmed following the guide lines
of STL.
There are some basic data structures and algorithms which are frequently
used in many programs. This includes container classes such as vectors,
sets and lists.
Many commercial but some free libraries have implemented these data
structures and algorithms in a general way. This makes them usable for
many puposes.
One of these libraries is the Standard Template Library (STL), an
extremely flexible implementation of many container classes and standard
algorithms. STL is supposed to become a part of the C++ standard library
and therefore is an ideal basis when writing portable programs.
Unfortunately, STL has no support for graphs and graph algorithms.
However, graphs are widely used to model complex relational structures.
Since we are intensively working with graph algorithms especially
in Graphlet (http://www.fmi.uni-passau.de/Graphlet/), we decided to
implement GTL, a graph library based on STL. For the design of
GTL's API bases on the API of LEDA. GTL contains the classes
needed to work with graphs, nodes and edges and some basic
algorithms as building blocks for more complex graph
algorithms. Further algorithms are under work.
The most recent version is 1.2.2.
For the changes since the last release 1.2.1 please see the
ChangeLog and NEWS files.
We are currently using GTL in Graphlet on the following platforms:
* Solaris with gcc-3.x
* Linux with gcc-3.x
* MS Windows XP and Visual Studio .NET 2003
* Mac OS X 10.2, 10.3
Please refer to our homepage
for updates and latest news.
GTL was designed and implemented by
Michael Forster
Andreas Pick
Marcus Raitner
Acknowledgements to
Christian Bachmaier
If you want to report any bugs in GTL or you have suggestions
concerning desirable feature. Please let us know !
We maintain mailing-lists for all these purposes. The
following lists are available:
Comments an questions about GTL to the GTL Team
Bug Reports
General Discussion about GTL
Low traffic, read only list for announcements of new GTL
You can subscribe to the the gtl-announce or gtl-users list by
sending mail to
gtl-announce-request@infosun.fmi.uni-passau.de or
with the single word "subscribe" in the body of the message.
All announcements on the gtl-announce list are forwarded to
the gtl-users list, so there is no need to subscribe to both.
Please send bugreports and/or suggestions to the appropriate list
Always include the following informations in your bugreports:
* Operating System / Version (+ Service Pack)
* Compiler / Version (+ Service Pack)
* GTL version
* A detailed description of the bug
* Any warnings or errors you get.
* output of make
* the file config.log
* $20 :-)