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Download YouTube videos as mp3 music with this downloader tool, Cross-platform and only requires Python to get going!

Updated 8 years ago

A registry and bookmarker program for IPFS hashes, as currently there's no search mechanism for it. You store it manually and enter a description for yourself.

Updated 8 years ago

A local notebook app built with Unix tools. Will eventually encrypt the notes

Updated 8 years ago

Tools to help circunvent Cloudflare's shitty Man-in-the-Middle as a Service. These are information and software alike.

Updated 8 years ago

A collection of interesting sites that I've found in Tor. Not organized in any particular way really.

Updated 8 years ago

A quick and dirty inventory management system that I've designed for a small business of a friend. Might be useful for small businesses, less for larger ones.

Updated 8 years ago

An easy-to-deploy method to jumble a string of text into something only a predefined cypher can decode correctly. Not a substitute to public-key encription!

Updated 9 years ago

Code for the website, powered by just CGI scripts.

Updated 9 years ago

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An interpreter for the malio programming language written in C++. For more details on the specs, look up deavmi's repository.

Updated 9 years ago

A single-player role-playing game implemented in C++

Updated 9 years ago

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A compact, out-of-the-box and fully usable Wiki engine that incorporates all the major traits of a wiki engine: creation, editing and deletion of pages, as well as searching for content.

Updated 9 years ago

A simple base64 encoder and decoder for files, written in python. Works as both a command-line utility and as a graphical application for those who have PyGTK available.

Updated 9 years ago

A search engine capable of locating, indexing and searching from within the contents of plain text files inside a Unix-like operating system.

Updated 9 years ago

A simple, unobtrusive lightbox engine written in Javascript without any additional libraries, css or images required.

Updated 9 years ago

Make any site look good with baseline.css! Now also stylable via color-flavored themes.

Updated 9 years ago