#102 Implement a mode indicator and mode info command

3 anos atrás foi aberto por adnan360 · 1 comentários

I can't understand which mode I am in currently. Those colons aren't enough.

It would be great if it showed the mode name in the prompt. e.g. when I enter a search term, it may show "srch :" or "search :" and something like "publ :" or "publication :" when I select a publication.

There should also be a command to query which mode I'm currently in and details about it. e.g. entering "mode" on the prompt shows which mode am I in currently, if I'm on search mode - which search term I entered last.

I can't understand which mode I am in currently. Those colons aren't enough. It would be great if it showed the mode name in the prompt. e.g. when I enter a search term, it may show "srch :" or "search :" and something like "publ :" or "publication :" when I select a publication. There should also be a command to query which mode I'm currently in and details about it. e.g. entering "mode" on the prompt shows which mode am I in currently, if I'm on search mode - which search term I entered last.

I agree. I was toying with this idea earlier. There is an idea to redraw the dialog when you come back one level. In some never places it does it already. Older code needs to be brought to that same level. Then it will be less confusing.

I agree. I was toying with this idea earlier. There is an idea to redraw the dialog when you come back one level. In some never places it does it already. Older code needs to be brought to that same level. Then it will be less confusing.
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