Official EU-hosted mirror of the Godot Engine GitHub repository, provided as backup and for anyone who cannot access GitHub due to US trade restrictions. Please only use the issue tracker if you are restricted from using GitHub.

Rémi Verschelde 4a0160241f Merge pull request #90886 from timothyqiu/lefty 11 hours ago
.github 5b5ec8f4dc Bump github workflows to SCons 4.7 2 weeks ago
core e50867ae34 Merge pull request #90776 from Naros/avoid-script-language-not-overridden 11 hours ago
doc fba6803486 Merge pull request #90876 from smix8/source_geometry_callback 11 hours ago
drivers 1815871b90 Fixed unshaded mode lightmaps 2 days ago
editor 4a0160241f Merge pull request #90886 from timothyqiu/lefty 11 hours ago
main 35369b8d28 Merge pull request #90507 from Calinou/tests-disabled-error-on-test-cli-argument 1 day ago
misc 2d884ba70c Merge pull request #90797 from Geometror/vsnode-comment-compat 1 day ago
modules fba6803486 Merge pull request #90876 from smix8/source_geometry_callback 11 hours ago
platform e667dc2d59 [macOS] Fix native file dialog with empty filter list. 2 days ago
scene 626c6a0ff8 Merge pull request #90874 from Zylann/fix_graph_frame_crash 11 hours ago
servers fba6803486 Merge pull request #90876 from smix8/source_geometry_callback 11 hours ago
tests 0f7452fedd Merge pull request #61013 from Calinou/test-add-transform3d 12 hours ago
thirdparty 060097bbf8 mbedTLS: Fix build without the module on MinGW 4 days ago
.clang-format 11ec70959c Style: Workaround clang-format 14 bug with `Inline` oneliner functions 1 year ago
.clang-tidy c273ddc3ee Style: Partially apply clang-tidy's `cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init` 1 year ago
.editorconfig b1eb737719 GDScript: Fix some lambda bugs 7 months ago
.git-blame-ignore-revs 9d7215e6af Template format commit to .git-blame-ignore-revs 1 month ago
.gitattributes 536ca28ea9 Ensure all Visual Studio files are generated with CRLF 1 week ago
.gitignore 7918d50297 SCons: Fix Ninja compilation with MSVC 2 weeks ago
.mailmap 020bd219ed Update AUTHORS and DONORS list 3 days ago
.pre-commit-config.yaml e520359147 Pre-commit: Fix `` to run on all relevant files 1 month ago 020bd219ed Update AUTHORS and DONORS list 3 days ago 01ac245a9c Add changelog for Godot 4.2 4 months ago dff6752ac8 Cleanup various repository documentation files 6 months ago
COPYRIGHT.txt dab95993c6 pcre2: Update to 10.43 1 month ago 020bd219ed Update AUTHORS and DONORS list 3 days ago
LICENSE.txt d95794ec8a One Copyright Update to rule them all 1 year ago
LOGO_LICENSE.txt dff6752ac8 Cleanup various repository documentation files 6 months ago dff6752ac8 Cleanup various repository documentation files 6 months ago
SConstruct 41fee42c40 SCons: Convert `env_base` to `env` 2 days ago 4933fa8bf5 [Buildsystem] Fix encoding when reading files 3 weeks ago 4933fa8bf5 [Buildsystem] Fix encoding when reading files 3 weeks ago
godot.manifest 99500611b2 Windows: Implement `DisplayServer::dialog_show` and `DisplayServer::dialog_input_text` 1 month ago
icon.png 17b9cb2cdf Remove two very slightly displaced duplicate vertices on Gobot's face 3 years ago
icon.svg 35a569478f Follow up to blue robot icons optimization 1 month ago
icon_outlined.png d68abd95fc Add an outlined version of logo.png and icon.png and put it in 3 years ago
icon_outlined.svg 35a569478f Follow up to blue robot icons optimization 1 month ago
logo.png 17b9cb2cdf Remove two very slightly displaced duplicate vertices on Gobot's face 3 years ago
logo.svg 35a569478f Follow up to blue robot icons optimization 1 month ago
logo_outlined.png af9372eb59 Convert the logo's text outlines into paths 1 year ago
logo_outlined.svg 35a569478f Follow up to blue robot icons optimization 1 month ago a7e7167a85 SCons: Disable `show_progress` with ninja 1 day ago 55558fb175 SCons: Add an option to enable the experimental ninja build backend 1 month ago 9ad140f4f2 SCons: Fix SCU build regression on Windows 1 week ago e0dc23367c Remove now unused `year` member from `` 2 months ago

Godot Engine

Godot Engine logo

2D and 3D cross-platform game engine

Godot Engine is a feature-packed, cross-platform game engine to create 2D and 3D games from a unified interface. It provides a comprehensive set of common tools, so that users can focus on making games without having to reinvent the wheel. Games can be exported with one click to a number of platforms, including the major desktop platforms (Linux, macOS, Windows), mobile platforms (Android, iOS), as well as Web-based platforms and consoles.

Free, open source and community-driven

Godot is completely free and open source under the very permissive MIT license. No strings attached, no royalties, nothing. The users' games are theirs, down to the last line of engine code. Godot's development is fully independent and community-driven, empowering users to help shape their engine to match their expectations. It is supported by the Godot Foundation not-for-profit.

Before being open sourced in February 2014, Godot had been developed by Juan Linietsky and Ariel Manzur (both still maintaining the project) for several years as an in-house engine, used to publish several work-for-hire titles.

Screenshot of a 3D scene in the Godot Engine editor

Getting the engine

Binary downloads

Official binaries for the Godot editor and the export templates can be found on the Godot website.

Compiling from source

See the official docs for compilation instructions for every supported platform.

Community and contributing

Godot is not only an engine but an ever-growing community of users and engine developers. The main community channels are listed on the homepage.

The best way to get in touch with the core engine developers is to join the Godot Contributors Chat.

To get started contributing to the project, see the contributing guide. This document also includes guidelines for reporting bugs.

Documentation and demos

The official documentation is hosted on Read the Docs. It is maintained by the Godot community in its own GitHub repository.

The class reference is also accessible from the Godot editor.

We also maintain official demos in their own GitHub repository as well as a list of awesome Godot community resources.

There are also a number of other learning resources provided by the community, such as text and video tutorials, demos, etc. Consult the community channels for more information.

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