Elijah Smith esmith1412

esmith1412 推送了 master 分支的代碼到 esmith1412/warranty_manager

  • 951a969f61 Refactored request_resubmitter module to use a PySimpleGUI date selector, rather than having the date manually entered

4 年之前

esmith1412 推送了 master 分支的代碼到 esmith1412/warranty_manager

  • b6e7401378 Added code to prompt user to manually enter an address for the request_creator GUI

4 年之前

esmith1412 推送了 master 分支的代碼到 esmith1412/warranty_manager

  • ed94e6af59 Added project files to repo, from local directory

4 年之前

esmith1412 創建了儲存庫 esmith1412/warranty_manager

4 年之前

esmith1412 推送了 master 分支的代碼到 esmith1412/project-euler

  • 42b52982bc Added all completed projects, up to 14

5 年之前

esmith1412 創建了儲存庫 esmith1412/project-euler

5 年之前

esmith1412 推送了 master 分支的代碼到 esmith1412/convert-rhythmbox-playlist-to-...

  • f145abe8e4 Added classes and runner to repository

5 年之前

esmith1412 評論了問題 libreboot/libreboot#435

Add installation documentation for X200 Tablet

Yes, I have. It's just that I've been really busy these past few months, and haven't gotten around to making the changes. It's on my to-do list, but I can't give an ETA.

6 年之前

esmith1412 創建了合併請求 libreboot/libreboot#435

Add installation documentation for X200 Tablet

7 年之前

esmith1412 推送了 master 分支的代碼到 esmith1412/libreboot

7 年之前

esmith1412 已經 fork 一個 repository 到 esmith1412/libreboot

7 年之前

esmith1412 評論了問題 libreboot/libreboot#402

[Docs] Document T400s

I have successfully been able to install Libreboot onto a T400s, and will be adding in some documentation onto the Libreboot website for those looking to try it for themselves.

7 年之前

esmith1412 評論了問題 libreboot/libreboot#373

We need a team of testers, for new upcoming libreboot release

I have the following units available for testing:

7 年之前

esmith1412 評論了問題 dimkr/devsus#10

After installation the system boots to recovery mode

I got the wi-fi to connect; apparently, the problem is with my adapter, because using another adapter allowed me to instantly connect.

7 年之前

esmith1412 創建了問題 dimkr/devsus#14

Sound not working (e.g., headphones, speakers, external USB adapter)

7 年之前

esmith1412 評論了問題 dimkr/devsus#10

After installation the system boots to recovery mode

It technically does exit immediately, but shortly after, before I type in anything else, the aforementioned code starts appearing on the screen, as if the command's still running.

7 年之前

esmith1412 評論了問題 dimkr/devsus#10

After installation the system boots to recovery mode

I entered these instructions exactly, but the command `wpa_supplicant -c/tmp/1 -iwlan0 -B` hasn't returned yet, and it's been about two hours since I ran it. Is that normal? It's giving several messages like this:

7 年之前

esmith1412 評論了問題 dimkr/devsus#10

After installation the system boots to recovery mode

I tried that, but I still get kernel panics. By the way, I wanted to let you know that I was using a USB wireless adapter found here: https://www.thinkpenguin.com/gnu-linux/penguin-wireless-n-usb-adapter-gnu-linux-tpe-n150usb.

7 年之前

esmith1412 評論了問題 dimkr/devsus#10

After installation the system boots to recovery mode

Could someone help me with setting up wi-fi? I followed the instructions here: https://linuxcommando.blogspot.com/2013/10/how-to-connect-to-wpawpa2-wifi-network.html, but I keep getting kernel panics when running

7 年之前