Gentoo overlay

dm9pZCAq e91fa6312f add app-text/epy 3 years ago
acct-group cbe02a93fc add user and group for net-p2p/yggdrasil-go 3 years ago
acct-user cbe02a93fc add user and group for net-p2p/yggdrasil-go 3 years ago
app-admin e64f65ea83 app-admin/aslstatus: bump to 0.1.3 3 years ago
app-benchmarks 5aa53844cf app-benchmarks/hyperfine: minor ebuild fixes 3 years ago
app-crypt 14c54f4a8f app-crypt/gpg-tui: bump to 0.8.0 3 years ago
app-editors 1e3e46cc8a app-editors/vim: new package at 9999 3 years ago
app-eselect 7e61f77f95 app-eselect/eselect-repository: new package at 8 3 years ago
app-misc 9179ed26d2 app-misc/xplr: bump to 0.14.7 3 years ago
app-shells f4c1639131 app-shells/zoxide: restore stable 0.7.3 3 years ago
app-text dd06697225 app-text/epy: new package at 2021.8.14 3 years ago
dev-lang ac168b74a1 dev-lang/metalang99: bump to 1.8.0 3 years ago
dev-libs 57f12109b7 dev-libs/skalibs: new package at 9999 3 years ago
dev-lua ec52373794 dev-lua/fennel: new package at 0.5.0 3 years ago
dev-python 1d3fe327f0 dev-python/mobi: new package at 0.3.1 3 years ago
dev-vcs 986c0e777d dev-vcs/gitui: bump to 0.16.2 3 years ago
games-misc 4a76728ad5 now manifests will be thin 3 years ago
media-video f792861f33 media-video/gifski: new package at 1.5.0 3 years ago
metadata 4a76728ad5 now manifests will be thin 3 years ago
net-dns da5c310f9b net-dns/meshname: new package at 0.1.2 3 years ago
net-libs 03f995c019 net-libs/webkit-gtk: bump to 2.30.5 3 years ago
net-misc 0469d07df2 net-misc/gping: bump to 1.2.3 3 years ago
net-news 2b7ef72245 net-news/newsboat: bump to 2.24 3 years ago
net-p2p b488ebdb28 net-p2p/yggdrasil-go: fix fcaps 3 years ago
net-wireless 93156dc874 net-wireless/eiwd: bump to 1.17-r1 3 years ago
profiles ddb8acaad7 profiles/package.mask: mask sys-apps/uutils-coreutils 3 years ago
sys-apps 2df20d32bb sys-apps/exa: new package at 0.10.1 3 years ago
sys-devel 1908c36d8e sys-devel/just: bump to 0.10.1 3 years ago
sys-fs 3ea907da77 sys-fs/mdevd: files: mdevd.conf: change net/tun permissions 3 years ago
sys-libs aa767c60a9 sys-libs/libudev-zero: new package at 1.0.0 3 years ago
sys-process 7baf4c0e17 sys-process/bottom: bump to 0.6.3 3 years ago
virtual 611f3b8d70 virtual/libudev: bump to 232-r5 3 years ago
www-client 75faaccedb www-client/firefox-musl-bin: fix libffi RDEPEND, change arhive name 3 years ago
www-plugins 784fe0a535 www-plugins/LegacyFox: new package at 2.3 3 years ago
x11-misc 71589c4f64 x11-misc/herbe: new package at 1.0.0 3 years ago e91fa6312f add app-text/epy 3 years ago

dm9pZCAq overlay

detailed information about packages

  • app-admin/

    • aslstatus - [my, uniq] Async suckless status monitor
  • app-benchmarks/

    • hyperfine - [more USE flags] A command-line benchmarking tool
  • app-crypt/

    • gpg-tui - [uniq] Terminal User Interface for GnuPG
    • veracrypt - [difference] Disk encryption with strong security based on TrueCrypt
  • app-editors/

    • vim - [symlinks to use neovim as vim]
  • app-eselect/

  • app-misc/

    • cpufetch - [uniq] Simplistic yet fancy CPU architecture fetching tool
    • lf - [more USE flags] Terminal file manager
    • onefetch - [better ebuild] Git repository summary on your terminal
    • xplr - [uniq] A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer
  • app-shells/

    • gitstatus - [uniq] Git status for Bash and Zsh prompt
    • zoxide - [uniq] A smarter cd command
    • zsh-powerlevel10k - [uniq] Theme for Zsh that emphasizes speed, flexibility and out-of-the-box experience
    • zsh-you-should-use - [uniq] ZSH plugin that reminds you to use existing aliases for commands you just typed
  • app-text/

    • epy - [uniq] CLI Ebook Reader
    • pandoc-bin - [better ebuild] Universal markup converter
    • smu - [uniq] Simple markup - markdown like syntax
  • dev-lang/

    • ghc - [ghc] The Glasgow Haskell Compiler from voidlinux (for ghcbootstrap on musl libc)
    • metalang99 - [uniq] Full-blown preprocessor metaprogramming
  • dev-libs/

    • libexecinfo - [uniq] BSD licensed clone of the GNU libc backtrace facility (for musl libc)
    • skalibs - [temporary, udev] General-purpose libraries from
  • dev-lua/

    • alt-getopt - [other ebuild] Lua bindings to getopt_long
    • fennel - [uniq] Lua Lisp Language
    • moonscript - [uniq] A programmer friendly language that compiles into Lua
    • readline - [uniq] Interface to the readline library
  • dev-python/

    • fake-useragent - [uniq] Dependency for instalooter
    • mobi - [uniq] Library for unpacking unencrypted mobi files
    • Telethon - [uniq] Pure Python 3 MTProto API Telegram client library, for bots too!
    • TgCrypto - [uniq] Fast and Portable Telegram Crypto Library for Python
  • dev-vcs/

    • gitui - [uniq] Blazing fast terminal-ui for git
  • games-misc/

    • fortune-mod - [with musl support] The notorious fortune program
  • media-video/

    • gifski - [uniq] Highest-quality GIF encoder based on pngquant
  • net-dns/

    • alfis - [uniq] Alternative Free Identity System
    • meshname - [uniq] A universal naming system for all IPv6-based mesh networks
  • net-libs/

    • telebot - [uniq] Telegram Bot API in C
    • webkit-gtk - [dbus is optional, musl support] Open source web browser engine
  • net-misc/

  • net-news/

    • newsboat - [asciidoctor is optional] RSS/Atom feed reader for terminals
  • net-p2p/

    • stig - [better ebuild] TUI and CLI for the BitTorrent client Transmission
    • yggdrasil-go - [maintained, better ebuild, can run as non-root user] An experiment in scalable routing as an encrypted IPv6 overlay network
  • net-wireless/

    • eiwd - [maintained, better ebuild, clang patches] iwd without dbus
  • sys-apps/

    • exa - [man pages without pandoc] A modern replacement for 'ls' written in Rust
    • hexyl - [uniq] A command-line hex viewer
    • huxdemp - [uniq] A better hexdump
    • tealdeer - [more USE flags] Very fast implementation of tldr in Rust
    • tldr - [using go-module inherit, misc ebuild changes] Fast and interactive tldr client written with go
    • uutils-coreutils - [uniq] Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
  • sys-devel/

    • just - [uniq] Just a command runner (with syntax inspired by make)
  • sys-fs/

    • duf - [uniq] Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternative
    • mdevd - [uniq, udev] A kernel event manager compatible with mdev.conf
  • sys-libs/

  • sys-process/

    • bottom - [uniq] TUI process/system monitor with multitude of features
    • ytop - [uniq] gotop RIIR (Rewrite It in Rust)
  • virtual/

    • libudev - [udev] Virtual for libudev providers
    • udev - [udev] Virtual to select between different udev daemon providers
  • www-client/

  • www-plugins/

    • LegacyFox - [uniq] Firefox legacy plugins support (for example VimFx)
  • x11-misc/

    • herbe - [uniq] Daemon-less notifications without D-Bus
    • lemonbar - [better ebuild] A featherweight, lemon-scented, bar based on xcb
    • screenkey - [better ebuild] Screencast your keys
    • xinput-gui - [maintained] Simple GUI for xinput


in [ square brackets ] info about difference with other overlays


app-crypt/veracrypt difference:

  • app-admin/sudo needed only if X used
  • with musl support


dev-lang/ghc::dm9pZCAq package is here for ghcbootstrap to build dev-lang/ghc::haskell on musl libc

echo 'dev-lang/ghc ghcbootstrap' >> /etc/portage/package.use/ghc
ACCEPT_KEYWORDS='**' emerge -1 dev-lang/ghc::dm9pZCAq \
  && emerge dev-lang/ghc


here is instruction on how to manage devices totally without systemd (with sys-fs/mdevd and sys-libs/libudev-zero)

you need version of sys-fs/mdevd that currently not released (needed for -O flag) (see: NEWS and NOTE)

also this version depend on version of dev-libs/skalibs that also currently not released

so both sys-fs/mdevd and dev-libs/skalibs are temporary 9999

and to use all of this you need:

  • for now add to package.accept_keywords:
~dev-libs/skalibs-9999::dm9pZCAq	**
~sys-fs/mdevd-9999::dm9pZCAq		**
virtual/udev::dm9pZCAq			**
  • reemerge some packages:
emerge -C "${yours_udev}" "${yours_libudev}"  # it may be the same package
emerge -1 \
  virtual/udev::dm9pZCAq  \
  virtual/libudev::dm9pZCAq \
  sys-fs/mdevd::dm9pZCAq \
  • change yours init scripts
    • runit
    • openrc: you can add yours through PR, issue or directly contact me (see contact info at my website)

some useful links