#58 Building with outdated moc changes source tree

6 anos atrás foi aberto por caryoscelus · 0 comentários

test_moc.sh and replace_nested_namespaces*.sh scripts that were introduced in order to make building possible on platforms with outdated (pre-5.9, missing https://github.com/qt/qtbase/commit/5675334b6e22786195fe69a1fc1f40c49aaea37c) moc dirties source tree instead of generating temporary files in build directory.

`test_moc.sh` and `replace_nested_namespaces*.sh` scripts that were introduced in order to make building possible on platforms with outdated (pre-5.9, missing https://github.com/qt/qtbase/commit/5675334b6e22786195fe69a1fc1f40c49aaea37c) moc dirties source tree instead of generating temporary files in build directory.
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