#52 Timeline zooming

opened 6 years ago by caryoscelus · 1 comments
  • basic time zooming
  • proper time zooming
  • value zooming
- [x] basic time zooming - [ ] proper time zooming - [ ] value zooming
caryoscelus commented 6 years ago

To properly address all timeline related issues it would be better to introduce two timeline widgets (to be placed on top of each other):

  • keyframe timeline, which cooperates with node list and assigns each node its specific line
  • graph timeline, which uses y coordinate as value coordinate and thus can be zoomed alongside it
To properly address all timeline related issues it would be better to introduce two timeline widgets (to be placed on top of each other): - keyframe timeline, which cooperates with node list and assigns each node its specific line - graph timeline, which uses y coordinate as value coordinate and thus can be zoomed alongside it
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