#49 Canvas redraw is sometimes broken

öppnade 6 år sedan av caryoscelus · 2 kommentarer
caryoscelus kommenterad 6 år sedan
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caryoscelus kommenterad 6 år sedan

Hmm, this seems to happen irregularly..

Hmm, this seems to happen irregularly..
caryoscelus refererade till detta ärende från en incheckning 6 år sedan
caryoscelus kommenterad 6 år sedan

So it seems the problem was that render thread didn't restart inkscape-output-reader and thus reported end-of-render too early; also, there was an issue with renderer recovering after exception.

Now all of that is fixed.

So it seems the problem was that render thread didn't restart inkscape-output-reader and thus reported end-of-render too early; also, there was an issue with renderer recovering after exception. Now all of that is fixed.
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