#31 Search through/filter nodes

6 роки тому відкрито caryoscelus · 1 коментарів
caryoscelus відкоментовано 6 роки тому

Even mildly complex documents can easily become hard to manage without possibility to filter and search for nodes.

Even mildly complex documents can easily become hard to manage without possibility to filter and search for nodes.
caryoscelus відкоментовано 6 роки тому

Unfortunately, QSortFilterProxyModel crashes when source model isn't updated properly (see #12), so we'll have to make sure to disable filtering model when no filter is on.

Unfortunately, QSortFilterProxyModel crashes when source model isn't updated properly (see https://notabug.org/caryoscelus/rainynite-studio/issues/12), so we'll have to make sure to disable filtering model when no filter is on.
caryoscelus згадано цю проблему в коміті 6 роки тому
caryoscelus згадано цю проблему в коміті 6 роки тому
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