layout: post title: "Introducing RainyNite #1" date: 2017.04.30 02:09:11
This is the first post in series about RainyNite in which i'll be trying to explain why it came to be and why it might be relevant in the age of many free software animation tools, as well as whether you should be interested in it or not.
Of course, my ultimate goal is creating a tool that i can effectively use for creating animation. Satisfaction of users, code and other contributions, world fame, etc are either secondary goals, or mostly means for other goals or non-goals.
But lets be more specific: i want a 2d vector animation tool allowing fully non-destructive editing and interpolation, which would be easy to extend.
So, you might ask, why didn't you take one of existing tools and improve it to fit your standards? Well, i did actually. I tried to add stuff into Synfig, but ultimately came to conclusion that its code base (with lack of active developers) is just not worth fixing it.
"But, but.. what about OpenToonz, Krita, Pencil?"
To be continued.