
Cheat sheets, customizations and configurations I use across multiple systems.

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Automate resume & cover letter creation; generate PDFs from .odt templates on the fly while scraping the job post & tracking employer status.

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Automate ticket creation when PRTG sensors are triggered, to easily delegate IT tasks.

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Add a right click context menu in Nautilus to add new documents for Linux desktop.

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Automate hosts file updates on Linux and MacOS.

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Sensitive data file encryption while using Git, with GPG; never accidentally submit a password config to a repo again.

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Colorful, dark and bold UI theme for the Atom code editor.

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Obtain information about what your server sends out into the web.

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Add subcategories & parent category to product breadcrumbs and increase SEO visibility for your store.

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Dark syntax theme for Atom code editor with bright, neon colors.

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Increase customer retention and sales by opening a direct line of communication regarding backordered and out of stock products.

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Reach out to prospects with bailed shopping carts; gain valuable insight to usability and recover lost sales.

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Automate Apache virtual host creation on Linux.

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Retain your privacy while torrenting, even if your VPN connection is lost.

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CLI application to group Apache access logs into human readbable format.

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