Interesting SQL scripts for Sql Server.

Russell Hankins 09b28d7057 Fixed an issue with databases user can't access. 9 months ago 1897055b2a Worked on readability of 10 months ago
csp_DropColumnDescriptions.txt ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago
csp_ExportColumnDescriptions.txt ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago
csp_SetColumnDescription.txt ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago
fn_SplitPK.txt ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago
sp_ColumnsInATable.txt ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago
sp_CreateForeignKey.txt ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago
sp_CreateUserDefinedType.txt ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago
sp_DropColumn.txt ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago
sp_ExportTable.txt ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago
sp_Find.txt da3bccdcb5 Fixed an issue with databases user can't access. 9 months ago
sp_FindColumn.txt ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago
sp_FindGuid.txt ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago
sp_FindInAllProcs.txt ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago
sp_FindInProc.txt ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago
sp_List.txt 09b28d7057 Fixed an issue with databases user can't access. 9 months ago
sp_ListFields.sql ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago
sp_varinsp.txt ee1e092301 Initial move of repository from GitHub. 1 year ago


  • sp_ColumnsInATable - Lists the columns in a table in a comma delimited list. Useful to copy and paste to a select or insert statement.
  • sp_CreateForeignKey - Given a primary table, primary key, foreign table, foreign key, output the sql to create the foreign key.
  • sp_CreateUserDefinedType - Helps deal with issues of user defined types such as not being able to update it because it's being used. 6 actions are available:
    • CREATE - Drop, then Creates a new user defined type. Only works if no proc is using it.
    • LIST - Lists all the procedures using this user defined type.
    • DROP - Drops the type IF it`s not being used.
    • KILL - Drops the type AND all procs using it.
    • ALTER - Drops all the procs using it, drops the type, creates the new type, then recreates the new procedures.
    • FORCE - Similar to ALTER, except:
      • ALTER will fail if the change would cause a stored proc to fail to compile.
      • If this user defined type would cause a proc to not compile, FORCE drops that proc, then lists it.
  • sp_DropColumn - Alter table drop column doesn't work if it has a constraint. This finds and drops the constraints too.
  • sp_Find - Searches all databases for a column, table, or procedure name containing the text you are searching for.
  • sp_FindColumn - Searches all databases for a column name containing the text you are searching for. If you give it two parameters, both strings are used.
  • sp_FindInAllProcs - Searches all databases in all procedures for the text you specified. If you specify two parameters, both are used. A good use for this is to search for a table name and the word insert.
  • sp_FindInProc - Searches the current databases in all procedures for the text you specified. If you specify two parameters, both are used. A good use for this is to search for a table name and the word insert.
  • sp_List - Lists a stored procedure if an exact match is found to what you passed in. Otherwise, lists stored procedures containing that string.
  • sp_ListFields - Lists the columns in a table. Also displays field types, column comments and foreign key relationships.
  • sp_varinsp - Searches a stored procedure you specify for a text string you specify. Recursively searches all the procedures this procedure calls also. Will output a tree diagram of where the text is in and how to traverse there in the stored procedure heirarchy.
  • fn_SplitPK - Split a comma delimited list of integers into a table. Assumes that the list is unique. The table is indexed. This helps for inner joining with large tables.
  • sp_FindGuid - Searches all uniqueidentifier columns in all tables for a specific guid. Returns the table names it was found in and the SQL to display the rows.
  • csp_SetColumnDescription - Adds,updates,deletes,displays a column description.
  • csp_ExportColumnDescriptions - Exports the column descriptions of a table into a format to be sent to another database.
  • csp_DropColumnDescriptions - Deletes all the column descriptions on a table.
  • sp_ExportTable - Exports a table by outputting a sql statement to insert the records.