cvarinfo.txt 7.9 KB

  1. // ** variables not included on menudef
  3. ////////////////////
  4. // Performance and appearance
  5. server bool boa_bidiswitch = false; //2D trees
  6. server bool boa_bubbleswitch = true; //Bubbles
  7. server bool boa_cinderswitch = true; //Cinder
  8. server bool boa_cloudswitch = true; //Clouds
  9. server bool boa_dustswitch = true; //Stardust
  10. server bool boa_fogswitch = true; //Fog
  11. server bool boa_leavesswitch = true; //Falling leaves
  12. server bool boa_litsswitch = true; //Underwater lights
  13. server bool boa_rainswitch = true; //Rain
  14. server bool boa_shaderoverlayswitch = true; //Heat and sandstorm
  15. server bool boa_smokeswitch = true; //Smoke
  16. server bool boa_smoketype = true; //Thin/thick smoke
  17. server bool boa_snowswitch = true; //Snow
  18. server bool boa_splashswitch = true; //Water splashes
  19. server bool boa_steamswitch = true; //Steam - this should be kept TRUE to avoid issues with zyklon steam spawners
  20. server bool boa_strafetilt = true; //Strafe camera tilt
  21. server bool boa_tilteffects = true; // Override to disable cosmetic tilt effects (except for level tilt) ** // Needs menu entry
  22. server bool boa_torchtype = true; //Particle/sprite torches
  23. server bool boa_groundplume = true; //Ground terrain splashes
  24. server int boa_bloodlifetime = 60; //Blood lifetime, s
  25. server int boa_boomswitch = 5; //Explosion density
  26. server int boa_casinglifetime = 60; //Casings lifetime, s
  27. server int boa_debrislifetime = 60; //Debris lifetime, s
  28. server int boa_fireswitch = 5; //Flame density
  29. server int boa_grasslod = 8192; //Grass render distance
  30. server int boa_lightningdensity = 10; //Lightning density
  31. server int boa_maxdebrisactors = 64; //Debris limit
  32. server int boa_maxflatdecals = 256; //Horizontal decals limit
  33. server int boa_maxparticleactors = 512; //Particles limit
  34. server int boa_scenelod = 8192; //Scenery render distance
  35. server int boa_sfxlod = 8192; //Special effects render distance
  36. server int boa_sparkswitch = 5; //Spark density
  37. server int boa_treeslod = 8192; //Tree render distance
  38. server int boa_cullrange = 8192; // Hard culling distance - takes precedence over all other defined ranges **
  39. server int boa_culllevel = 0; // Controls culling of additional actors (3d models and lights) **
  40. server int boa_debriscullstyle = 0; // Controls if debris items are remembered and reproduced when culled/restored (1, significant system impact), or if they are just spawned from scratch (0) **
  41. server int boa_cullactorlimit = 32; // Controls max number of culled actors to respawn per game tick (0 means unlimited. Clamped internally to no less than 256) **
  42. server bool boa_culling = true; // Enables/disables actor culling ** // Needs menu entry, possibly launcher choice
  43. server int boa_thinkrange = 4; // Range in 512x512 chunks beyond which actors run reduced logic
  44. // Blood (server)
  45. server bool boa_blood_gibs = true; //Spawn giblets
  46. server bool boa_blood_pools = true; //Spawn blood pools
  47. server float boa_blood_alpha = 0.75; //Alpha of the actors
  48. server float boa_blood_rand = 1.0; //Velocity
  49. server float boa_blood_size = 1.0; //Scale
  50. server int boa_blood_amt = 1; //Amount
  51. // These are hex-formated RGB colors converted to decimal to silence GZDB parsing errors (the hex values work fine in GZDoom)
  52. server noarchive int g_activecolor = 10027008;
  53. server noarchive int g_altcolor = 14483456;
  54. server noarchive int g_inactivecolor = 4473924;
  55. // Postprocessing (server)
  56. server bool boa_colorgrading = true; //Color grading
  57. // Cheats
  58. server cheat float boa_flinchamount = 1.0; //Flinch scalar
  59. server cheat int boa_recoilamount = 1; //Recoil scalar
  60. server cheat bool boa_sprintswitch = false; //Unlimited sprint
  62. //////////////////
  63. // Gameplay options
  64. user bool boa_autoreload = true; //Autoreloading
  65. user bool boa_autosteer = false; //Autosteering while in a tank **
  66. user bool boa_devcomswitch = false; //Developer comments
  67. user float boa_uweffectsize = 0.01; //Underwater effect parameter
  68. server bool boa_peststomp = false; // Automatically stomp on rats and spiders
  69. server bool boa_noprojectilegravity = false; // Disable gravity effects on bullets and rockets
  70. // HUD options
  71. user int boa_hudratio = 0; // Force the fullscreen HUD elements to draw at a fixed ratio (Uses ForceRatios menu values)
  72. user int boa_hudobjectives = 1; // 1 allows toggling to a minimal objectives display that is displayed with the hud. 2 sets to always display.
  73. user bool boa_hudstats = true; // Show the Kills/Treasure/Secrets stats on the hud if they are enabled on automap
  74. user bool boa_hudammostats = false; // Shows total ammo stats for all current weapons on the fullscreen hud
  75. user bool boa_huddamageindicators = true; // Draws directional damage indicator overlay on the screen
  76. user bool boa_hudgrenadeindicators = true; // Draws directional grenade indicator overlay on the screen
  77. user float boa_hudcompassscale = 1.0; // Scale of the compass when drawn on the hud
  78. user bool boa_altmessagestyle = false; // Force fullscreen-style messages, even with the traditional HUD
  79. user float boa_hudmeterfade = 0.0; // Hide the stamina and air meters when they are full
  80. user int boa_hudshowpartime = 0; // Show the current map time and par time on the hud (1 shows map and par time and keeps the total time, 2 shows just map and par time in place of total time)
  81. // Render distance (user)
  82. user int boa_drop1_dist = 1536; //Large blood drops
  83. user int boa_drop2_dist = 768; //Medium blood drops
  84. user int boa_drop3_dist = 384; //Small blood drops
  85. // Postprocessing (user)
  86. // Lens flares
  87. user bool boa_pp_lensflares = true;
  88. user float boa_pp_lensflares_amount = 0.2;
  89. user float boa_pp_lensflares_distance = 0.009;
  90. user float boa_pp_lensflares_threshold = 0.1;
  91. user int boa_pp_lensflares_samples = 16;
  92. // Vignette
  93. user bool boa_pp_vignette = true;
  94. user float boa_pp_vignette_falloff = 0.3;
  95. user float boa_pp_vignette_intensity = 80.0;
  96. //Pixelated Film Grain
  97. user bool boa_filmgrain = true;
  98. user float boa_filmgrain_amount = 0.1;
  99. user int boa_filmgrain_pixelsize = 640;
  100. // Motion Blur
  101. user bool boa_mblur = true;
  102. user bool boa_mblur_autostop = true;
  103. user float boa_mblur_recovery = 64;
  104. user float boa_mblur_recovery2 = 90;
  105. user float boa_mblur_strength = 64;
  106. user float boa_mblur_threshold = 30;
  107. user int boa_mblur_blendmode = 1;
  108. user int boa_mblur_samples = 5;
  109. // Developer tools
  110. server bool boa_debugvoiceovers = false; // Prints notification if a message has no corresponding audio file
  111. server bool boa_debugalarms = false; // Highlights selected activator of an alarm panel with green light
  112. server bool boa_debugparticles = false; // Prints particle count and current tick delay value once every second
  113. server bool boa_debugholdinventory = false; // Prints list of restored inventory items for InventoryHolder actor
  114. server bool boa_debugsafes = false; // Prints safe combinations to console when they are activated
  115. server bool boa_debugtankintercepts = false; // Shows a sprite at tank aim/intercept target spots
  116. server bool boa_debugculling = false; // Shows culling max actor limit information
  117. server bool boa_debugscreenblends = false; // Shows color blend information for damage screen
  118. server bool boa_debugbarrelspawns = false; // Shows position and orientation information for barrels which were automatically fixed
  119. server bool boa_debugcoopcheckpoints = false; // Shows silhouettes of new co-op player positions
  120. server int boa_debugterrainsounds = 0; // Shows info on the current footstep sound being played (1 for only floors with no assigned terrain, 2 for all)
  121. server bool boa_defaultprint = false; // Use the engine's MidPrint and console handling instead of Widget-based
  122. server bool boa_skipcinematics = false; // Skip map opening cinematics
  123. // Achievements
  124. user string boa_achievementrecord0 = "";
  125. user string boa_achievementrecord1 = "";
  126. user string boa_achievementrecord2 = "";
  127. user string boa_achievementrecord3 = "";
  128. // Miscellaneous
  129. user bool boa_firstrun = true;
  130. user bool boa_remode = false;
  131. user float boa_itemlabelscale = 1.0;