mapinfo.txt 5.1 KB

  1. gameinfo
  2. {
  3. playerclasses = "TNTRemPlayer"
  4. AddEventHandlers = "NashGoreHandler", "TNTWaterHandler", "MBlurShaderHandler", "CustomShaderHandler"
  5. dimcolor = "441410"
  6. dimamount = 0.75
  7. fullscreenautoaspect = 3
  8. infopage = "CREDIT"
  9. addinfopage = "CREDIT2"
  10. addinfopage = "HELP"
  11. borderflat = "AUTOPAGE"
  12. MenuFontColor_Action = "Dark Brown"
  13. MenuFontColor_Header = "Dark Brown"
  14. MenuFontColor_Highlight = "Dark Brown"
  15. MenuFontColor_Label = "Dark Brown"
  16. MenuFontColor_Selection = "Dark Brown"
  17. MenuFontColor_Title = "Dark Brown"
  18. MenuFontColor_Value = "Dark Brown"
  19. StatScreen_MapNameFont = "*DBIGFONT", "Dark Brown"
  20. StatScreen_FinishedFont = "*DBIGFONT", "Dark Brown"
  21. StatScreen_EnteringFont = "*DBIGFONT", "Dark Brown"
  22. StatScreen_ContentFont = "*DBIGFONT", "Dark Brown"
  23. StatScreen_AuthorFont = "*DBIGFONT", "Dark Brown"
  24. StatScreen_Single = "TNTE2StatusScreen"
  25. }
  26. clearskills
  27. skill baby
  28. {
  29. AutoUseHealth
  30. AmmoFactor = 2
  31. DamageFactor = 0.5
  32. EasyBossBrain
  33. SpawnFilter = Baby
  34. Name = "Newbie"
  35. Key = "n"
  36. }
  37. skill easy
  38. {
  39. EasyBossBrain
  40. SpawnFilter = Easy
  41. Name = "Easy"
  42. Key = "e"
  43. }
  44. skill normal
  45. {
  46. DefaultSkill
  47. SpawnFilter = Normal
  48. Name = "Normal"
  49. Key = "n"
  50. }
  51. skill hard
  52. {
  53. SpawnFilter = Hard
  54. Name = "Hard"
  55. Key = "h"
  56. }
  57. skill nightmare
  58. {
  59. AmmoFactor = 2
  60. FastMonsters
  61. DisableCheats
  62. MustConfirm
  63. RespawnTime = 12
  64. SpawnFilter = Nightmare
  65. Name = "Nightmare"
  66. Key = "n"
  67. }
  68. map map01 lookup "TUTNTMAP02"
  69. {
  70. lightmode = 1 //avoid too much dark places - ozy81
  71. cluster = 1
  72. music = d_bluff
  73. sky1 = sky1, 0.0
  74. next = EndGameC
  75. }
  76. cluster 1
  77. {
  78. exittext = "As the colossal metal door slams shut behind you,",
  79. "the pungent scent of heated steel lingers in the air.",
  80. "However, instead of leading you to another infernal ",
  81. "domain to endure, fate has guided you to the icy summit ",
  82. "of this accursed mountain. Your next advance towards ",
  83. "the hellish stronghold of eternal damnation looms ",
  84. "directly before you.",
  85. "",
  86. "Your adventure continues..."
  87. pic = INTERPIC
  88. music = d_bluff
  89. }
  90. doomednums
  91. {
  92. 31102 = "LightRay_Regular"
  93. 31103 = "LightRay_WallSprite"
  94. 31105 = "LightRay2_Regular"
  95. 31106 = "LightRay2_WallSprite"
  96. 31107 = "LightRay_RegularNL"
  97. 31108 = "LightRay_WallSpriteNL"
  98. 31109 = "LightRay2_RegularNL"
  99. 31110 = "LightRay2_WallSpriteNL"
  100. 32029 = "HeatEffectGiver"
  101. }
  102. spawnnums
  103. {
  104. 58 = "ChaingunMajor"
  105. }
  106. ////////////////////////////////
  107. //////// CAST CALL /////////////
  108. ////////////////////////////////
  109. Intermission Inter_Cast
  110. {
  111. Image
  112. {
  113. // This is only here to initialize the background and the music
  114. Background = "bossback"
  115. Time = -1
  116. Music = "d_dm2ttl"
  117. }
  118. Link = TNTE2Cast
  119. }
  120. Intermission TNTE2Cast
  121. {
  122. Cast
  123. {
  124. CastClass = "Zombieman"
  125. CastName = "$CC_ZOMBIE"
  126. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "grunt/attack"
  127. }
  128. Cast
  129. {
  130. CastClass = "ShotgunGuy"
  131. CastName = "$CC_SHOTGUN"
  132. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "shotguy/attack"
  133. }
  134. Cast
  135. {
  136. CastClass = "DoomTrooper"
  137. CastName = "Infested Marines"
  138. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "grunt/attack"
  139. AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "grunt/attack"
  140. AttackSound = "Missile", 3, "grunt/attack"
  141. }
  142. Cast
  143. {
  144. CastClass = "NashGore_ChaingunGuy"
  145. CastName = "Heavy Weapon Dude"
  146. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "chainguy/attack"
  147. AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "chainguy/attack"
  148. AttackSound = "Missile", 3, "chainguy/attack"
  149. }
  150. Cast
  151. {
  152. CastClass = "ChaingunMajor"
  153. CastName = "Heavier Heavy Weapon Dude"
  154. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "chainguy/attack"
  155. AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "chainguy/attack"
  156. AttackSound = "Missile", 3, "chainguy/attack"
  157. }
  158. Cast
  159. {
  160. CastClass = "DoomImp"
  161. CastName = "$CC_IMP"
  162. AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "imp/attack"
  163. }
  164. Cast
  165. {
  166. CastClass = "Demon"
  167. CastName = "$CC_DEMON"
  168. AttackSound = "Melee", 1, "demon/melee"
  169. }
  170. Cast
  171. {
  172. CastClass = "LostSoul"
  173. CastName = "$CC_LOST"
  174. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "skull/melee"
  175. }
  176. Cast
  177. {
  178. CastClass = "Cacodemon"
  179. CastName = "$CC_CACO"
  180. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "caco/attack"
  181. }
  182. Cast
  183. {
  184. CastClass = "HellKnight"
  185. CastName = "$CC_HELL"
  186. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "baron/attack"
  187. }
  188. Cast
  189. {
  190. CastClass = "BaronOfHell"
  191. CastName = "$CC_BARON"
  192. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "baron/attack"
  193. }
  194. Cast
  195. {
  196. CastClass = "Arachnotron"
  197. CastName = "$CC_ARACH"
  198. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "baby/attack"
  199. }
  200. Cast
  201. {
  202. CastClass = "PainElemental"
  203. CastName = "$CC_PAIN"
  204. AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "skull/melee"
  205. }
  206. Cast
  207. {
  208. CastClass = "Revenant"
  209. CastName = "$CC_REVEN"
  210. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "skeleton/attack"
  211. AttackSound = "Melee", 1, "skeleton/swing"
  212. AttackSound = "Melee", 3, "skeleton/melee"
  213. }
  214. Cast
  215. {
  216. CastClass = "Fatso"
  217. CastName = "$CC_MANCU"
  218. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "fatso/attack"
  219. AttackSound = "Missile", 4, "fatso/attack"
  220. AttackSound = "Missile", 7, "fatso/attack"
  221. }
  222. Cast
  223. {
  224. CastClass = "Archvile"
  225. CastName = "$CC_ARCH"
  226. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "vile/start"
  227. }
  228. Cast
  229. {
  230. CastClass = "SpiderMastermind"
  231. CastName = "$CC_SPIDER"
  232. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "spider/attack"
  233. AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "spider/attack"
  234. }
  235. Cast
  236. {
  237. CastClass = "DoomPlayer"
  238. CastName = "$CC_HERO"
  239. AttackSound = "Missile", 0, "weapons/sshotf"
  240. }
  241. Link = TNTE2Cast // restart cast call
  242. }