menudef.txt 4.1 KB

  1. // [Blue Shadow] Note that having the 'DefaultListMenu' block alone is not enough to change default
  2. // settings like font color, for instance. You need to copy each menu definition as well, and put it
  3. // after said block. This behaves in a similar way to that of the 'defaultmap' block in MAPINFO, as in,
  4. // it only affects definitions that come after it.
  5. DefaultListMenu
  6. {
  7. Font "BigFont", "DarkRed"
  8. Selector "M_SLCTR1", -28, -1
  9. Linespacing 20
  10. }
  11. // Main menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. ListMenu "MainMenu"
  13. {
  14. StaticPatch 88, 0, "M_HTIC"
  15. StaticPatch 40, 10, "M_SKL01"
  16. StaticPatch 232, 10, "M_SKL00"
  17. Position 110, 56
  18. TextItem "$MNU_NEWGAME", "n", "PlayerclassMenu"
  19. TextItem "$MNU_OPTIONS", "o", "OptionsMenu"
  20. TextItem "HPack Options", "h", "HPackOptionsMenu"
  21. TextItem "$MNU_GAMEFILES", "g", "GameFilesMenu"
  22. TextItem "$MNU_INFO", "i", "ReadThisMenu"
  23. TextItem "$MNU_QUITGAME", "q", "QuitMenu"
  24. }
  25. // Episode selection menu --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. ListMenu "EpisodeMenu"
  27. {
  28. NetgameMessage "$NEWGAME"
  29. Position 80, 50
  30. }
  31. // Skill selection menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. ListMenu "SkillMenu"
  33. {
  34. Position 38, 30
  35. }
  36. // Game files selection menu -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. ListMenu "GameFilesMenu"
  38. {
  39. Position 110, 60
  40. TextItem "$MNU_LOADGAME", "l", "LoadGameMenu"
  41. TextItem "$MNU_SAVEGAME", "s", "SaveGameMenu"
  42. }
  43. // Load game menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. ListMenu "LoadGameMenu"
  45. {
  46. NetgameMessage "$LOADNET"
  47. StaticTextCentered 160, -10, "$MNU_LOADGAME"
  48. Position 80, 54
  49. Class "LoadMenu"
  50. }
  51. // Save game menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. ListMenu "SaveGameMenu"
  53. {
  54. StaticTextCentered 160, -10, "$MNU_SAVEGAME"
  55. Position 80, 54
  56. Class "SaveMenu"
  57. }
  58. // HPack options menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. // [Blue Shadow] Based mostly on ZDCMP2's options menu :)
  60. OptionMenu "HPackOptionsMenu"
  61. {
  62. Title "HPack Options"
  63. StaticText ""
  64. StaticText "HPack Settings", 1
  65. StaticText ""
  66. Option "Particle-based Light Sources", "hpack_lightsourcestyle", "OnOff"
  67. Slider "Footstep Volume", "hpack_footstep_volume", 0, 1.0, 0.05, 2
  68. StaticText ""
  69. StaticText "HPack Controls", 1
  70. StaticTextSwitchable "ENTER to change, BACKSPACE to clear",
  71. "Press new key for control, ESC to cancel",
  72. "ControlMessage"
  73. StaticText ""
  74. Control "Aegis Ward", "use ArtiAegisWard"
  75. Control "Boots of the Firewalker", "use ArtiFireBoots"
  76. Control "Boots of Jumping", "use ArtiHighJump"
  77. Control "Disc of Repulsion", "use HPArtiBlastRadius"
  78. Control "Chaos Device", "use ArtiTeleport"
  79. Control "Mask of Terror", "use ArtiMaskOfTerror"
  80. Control "Morph Ovum", "use ArtiEgg"
  81. Control "Mystic Urn", "use ArtiSuperHealth"
  82. Control "Quartz Flask", "use ArtiHealth"
  83. Control "Ring of Invincibility", "use ArtiInvulnerability"
  84. Control "Ring of Regeneration", "use ArtiRingOfRegeneration"
  85. Control "Royal Dagger", "use ArtiRoyalDagger"
  86. Control "Scimitar of the Sages", "use ArtiScimitar"
  87. Control "Scroll of Hellfire", "use ArtiScrollOfHellfire"
  88. Control "Scroll of the Master", "use ArtiMasterScroll"
  89. Control "Shadowsphere", "use ArtiInvisibility"
  90. Control "Talisman of the Depths", "use ArtiDepthsTalisman"
  91. Control "Timebomb of the Ancients", "use ArtiTimeBomb"
  92. Control "Tome of Eternity", "use ArtiTomeOfEternity"
  93. Control "Tome of Might", "use ArtiTomeOfMight"
  94. Control "Tome of Power", "use ArtiTomeOfPower"
  95. Control "Torch", "use ArtiTorch"
  96. Control "Wings of Wrath", "use ArtiFly"
  97. }