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My personal configuration org files

Atualizado 2 meses atrás

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A variety of elisp functions for implementing a solo roleplaying gamesmaster emulator, for playing a full game within an org-file

Atualizado 7 meses atrás

A search function for org-roam, for finding text inside nodes.

Atualizado 1 ano atrás

A bash script for launching Doom with mods on GZDoom via rofi/dmenu

Atualizado 3 anos atrás

Find and remove conflict files generated by Syncthing

Atualizado 3 anos atrás

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Q's YouTube Trailer Scraper A simple shell script to search YouTube and download movie trailers based on contents of my Kodi library. Makes for a better, locally served "Cinema Experience/Vision" mode.

Atualizado 4 anos atrás

My i3wm config files for xmonad-style keybindings

Atualizado 4 anos atrás

A "Chaffer" for html web traffic, inspired by Cory Doctorow's "Little Brother" A collection of bash scripts to "chaff" your internet connection with random searches to random sites.

Atualizado 4 anos atrás

A voice-only interface for my RotaryPi project

Atualizado 6 anos atrás