No Description

zyv42 439305be8d elaborate 4 years ago
wizardpowers-backend f6c9874f30 added full crud functionality with graphql 4 years ago
wizardpowers-db f6c9874f30 added full crud functionality with graphql 4 years ago
wizardpowers-frontend 439305be8d elaborate 4 years ago
.gitignore 40820dff50 added first graphql functionality 4 years ago 439305be8d elaborate 4 years ago
docker-compose.yml 40820dff50 added first graphql functionality 4 years ago
package-lock.json 40820dff50 added first graphql functionality 4 years ago

Wizards Powers

An application designed to keep tabs on those who wield the most fearsome powers within the existing universe. In it's core it's a simple SPA (Single-Page Application) which utilizes Vue.js and GraphQl to achieve its functionality.

Wizard powers was decomposed into three main modules:

Wizardpowers Backend

It's written with Spring Boot and Java implementation of GraphQl, thus it provides all necessary endpoints for CRUD operations with wizards.

Wizardpowers Frontend

Written with Vue.js, it uses vue router to achieve functionality of a Single-Page Application and apollo server to send GraphQl calls to manipulate data.

Wizardpowers Database

Separately running PostgreSQL database.