a werc-like static site generator

Iru Cai f03846f6a3 initial version 3 gadi atpakaļ
example-site f03846f6a3 initial version 3 gadi atpakaļ
pub f03846f6a3 initial version 3 gadi atpakaļ
wepage-tpl f03846f6a3 initial version 3 gadi atpakaļ
README.rst 0567fef5b0 add README 3 gadi atpakaļ
navgen.py f03846f6a3 initial version 3 gadi atpakaļ
rst-template.txt f03846f6a3 initial version 3 gadi atpakaļ
sitegen.sh f03846f6a3 initial version 3 gadi atpakaļ


wepage: a werc-like site generator

I used to use `werc `__ to make my home
page. However, werc uses CGI, which is not supported by most of the
modern web servers. After I knew how CGI works, I wrote a script
called werc-gen, which simulates the CGI calls to generate the static
pages. However, it still requires rc shell, which is not installed on
a common GNU/Linux system, and usually fails to work. That's why I
plan to write a new static site generator.

Recently, I saw an article from Hacker News called `m4: the one true
templating language `__, which I
think is a good start to make my site generator. So I copy the werc
HTML templates and rewrite them in m4, and make this project called

The wepage site generator contains two tools:

- navgen.py: generates the werc-like navigation side bar, currently
written in Python
- sitegen.sh: generates a site from markdown and reStructuredText

To use this tool, run::


Then you get your site.

Related work

I saw another two small static site generators recently, and they look more simple:

- `shayla `__: a very fast site generator written in C
- ssg: the site generator which inspires shayla, using Unix shell, find, grep, awk


wepage is in the public domain.