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- Tizen Creator Plugin was tested agains QtCreator 3.1.2 shipped with
- Qt 5.3.1 where user has read/write permissions (e.g. $HOME)
- To install Tizen plugin in your QtCreator follow these steps.
- $> export QTC_BUILD=/home/user/Qt5.3.1/Tools/QtCreator
- $> ./build_and_deploy_tizen_plugin.sh -b $QTC_BUILD
- script will:
- 1. download sources of Qt creator's Tizen plugin.
- 2. download appropriate qtcreator sources from gitorious
- 3. check if Qt major version used by qmake in path equals
- Qt major version used by QtCreator.
- 4. Attempt to build the Tizen plugin matching version of Qt Creator
- installed in and deploy it to
- $QTC_BUILD/lib/qtcreator/plugins
- Now plugins should work with your QtCreator.
- If you have sources of your QtCreator or you built it from sources then
- you can pass -s /path/to/creator/sources and run script.
- This will:
- * clone source code of Tizen plugin for Creator
- * clone source appropriate source code of Qt Creator
- * check if Qt major version used by qmake in path equals Qt major version used by Qt Creator
- * attempt to build the Tizen plugin matching version of Creator installed above (using qmake in PATH to build the plugin and deploy to $QTC_BUILD/lib/qtcreator/plugins)
- Invoke:
- $> ./build_and_deploy_tizen_plugin.sh -h
- for more help