Tizen Build Tools - README
Qt for Tizen is a purely community-driven port of Qt 5 to the Tizen mobile profile.
Tizen IVI profile as well as unofficial Netbook/Notebook profiles would benefit too.
Home page: http://qt-project.org/wiki/Tizen
===== Prerequisites =====
1. Internet access (to download packages for creating sysroots)
2. gbs (https://source.tizen.org/documentation/developer-guide/getting-started-guide/installing-development-tools)
Install according to installation instructions
3. Corresponding compiler
3.1 arm compiler for arm tools (you can the one use shipped with Tizen Mobile SDK)
3.2 x86 compiler. If your system is 32 bit then you can use system compiler
or one shipped with Tizen Mobile SDK
3.3 x86_64 compiler. If your system is 64 bit then you can use system compiler
3. Qt 5.3.1 (http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.3/5.3.1)
4. For Qt Creator Plugin you need Qt Version which Qt Creator was built with
In case of Qt creator 3.1.2 shipped with Qt 5.3.1 you don't need to download
additional Qt version because Qt creator 3.1.2 is built with Qt 5.3.1
===== Info ====
This repository helps to develop using Qt for Tizen for 3 profiles:
* mobile (Tizen developer device and emulator) - to cross compile for mobile
* common (Tizen Common and Tizen Common Emulator - x86 architecture) - to cross compile for Tizen Common.
It can be used with NUC device.
* ivi (ivi device - x86 architecture) - to cross compile for ivi device.
For mobile and emulator you need to have Tizen Mobile SDK (https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/tizen-sdk)
installed if you want to build Qt for emulator or device. Also if you want to build arm it is most convenient
to use arm cross compiler shipped with Tizen Mobile SDK
Repository also contains helper scripts for maintaining Qt on tizen.org.
===== How does it work =====
To prepare developer tools for certain profile just go to profiles directory
and invoke prepare_developer_tools script.
$> cd profiles
$> ./prepare_developer_tools -h
#list of available profiles and build architectures
$> ./prepare_developer_tools -l
#prepare developer tools for mobile profile (Tizen mobile device)
$> ./prepare_developer_tools -b armv7l -p mobile -q path_to_Qt.5.3.1_qmake_executable
#prepare developer tools for mobile emulator (Tizen mobile emulator)
$> ./prepare_developer_tools -b armv7l -p mobile -q path_to_Qt.5.3.1_qmake_executable -e
#prepare developer tools for common x86_64 wayland profile
$> ./prepare_developer_tools -b x86_64 -p common -q path_to_Qt.5.3.1_qmake_executable -e