TODO.txt 1.3 KB

  1. # TODO #
  2. Project: mapo
  4. ### TODO ###
  5. * TODO [#A] : Use JQuery with OpenLayers on the map
  6. * TODO [#A] : Offline map
  7. * TODO [#A] : Combine web API with ApplicationControl (contact, calendar...)
  8. * TODO [#A] : add calendar
  9. * TODO [#A] : Add photo linked to a position
  10. * TODO [#A] : Change the coordinates moving on the map
  11. * TODO [#A] : Calculate the average speed and the duration of a course
  12. * TODO [#A] : Web provider
  13. * TODO [#B] : Number in coordinates and no string -> Use a selector
  14. * TODO [#B] : HMS coordinates (hours, minutes, seconds) -> calculate jetlag
  15. * TODO [#C] : share position (bluetooth, messaging, social)
  16. * TODO [#C] : support more platforms : FireFoxOS, Asha, Ubuntu, bb10, gnome
  17. * TODO [#C] : load navicore input bookmarks
  18. * TODO [#C] : 3D globe and trace curves
  19. * TODO [#C] : bookmarks
  20. * TODO [#C] : photo wgs84
  21. Correction to do, works but not great...
  22. * TODO [#A] : setTimeOut -> jQuery Deferred Object -> OK
  23. * TODO [#C] : Global variable "data" -> OK
  25. ### BUG ###
  26. * BUG [#A] : Strange behavior after the first course record, 2 or 3 record in the same time
  27. * BUG [#B] : No record during standby
  28. ## DONE ##
  29. * DONE [#A] : publish on tizen store