Mist. Browse and use Ðapps on the Ethereum network (Evacuated from NSA/Microsoft Github)

anonymous 49bb425fe8 we do not need a COC here 6 år sedan
.circleci 01d87864e9 simplifying yarn tasks 6 år sedan
.github 5945cf55c0 Update config.yml 6 år sedan
build-interface 9bae95e718 Prebuilding interface/ for windows-only builds 6 år sedan
errorPages 5aa42e69cd Merge develop into master for v0.8.9 (#1632) 8 år sedan
gulpTasks d3ef7362f0 Fixing gulp src 6 år sedan
icons 3eca456e95 adds default wallet hosted by github (#767) 8 år sedan
interface a3f6a34dee i18n Invalid code (#4068) 6 år sedan
meteor-dapp-wallet @ 78993979a3 0819cb636e Updates to geth 1.8.13 (#4023) 6 år sedan
modules dea6fa6708 the send pop-up does not open issue. 6 år sedan
scripts 43c28f4041 Update zipdll.nsh 7 år sedan
sounds 69bf990b14 add nodes and sound 9 år sedan
tests 0819cb636e Updates to geth 1.8.13 (#4023) 6 år sedan
.babelrc fe80b5238d Fix build 6 år sedan
.codeclimate.yml 71c3b0ef2c Update eslint 6 år sedan
.eslintignore 71c3b0ef2c Update eslint 6 år sedan
.eslintrc.json af99b6836e Set env es6 6 år sedan
.gitignore a7e0607e09 Adds local wallet in asar file (#3951) 6 år sedan
.gitmodules c412cc8d0d Fixing gitmodules 6 år sedan
.nvmrc 25d560210c Using same node version as electron 6 år sedan
.prettierignore 97c57e1b65 Adds deps for prettier 7 år sedan
.prettierrc 97c57e1b65 Adds deps for prettier 7 år sedan
.travis.yml 580672ca8b Disabling travis cache; debugging index.html generated by meteor 6 år sedan
AUTHORS 7e7457c74c added testnet indicator 9 år sedan
CNAME cd7db75c93 Create CNAME 6 år sedan
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 49bb425fe8 we do not need a COC here 6 år sedan
CONTRIBUTING.md ad2c2242fd Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:ethereum/mist into circle-ci 6 år sedan
LICENSE c7f075e385 bumped to 0.5.0 9 år sedan
MISTAPI.md ad2c2242fd Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:ethereum/mist into circle-ci 6 år sedan
README.md f818a388c3 Badges 6 år sedan
Wallet-README.txt f94d8f1916 Prettier files (#3755) 7 år sedan
appveyor.yml 354e1e1383 Update appveyor.yml 6 år sedan
clientBinaries.json 0819cb636e Updates to geth 1.8.13 (#4023) 6 år sedan
customProtocols.js f94d8f1916 Prettier files (#3755) 7 år sedan
gulpfile.js 1ed49c328c Decoupling interface build for appveyor workaround 6 år sedan
main.js 32bcd3ebe5 Enable attaching geth with a private network (#3916) 6 år sedan
package.json 71fc86c45e Locking Solidity compiler version (#4052) 6 år sedan
release.js f94d8f1916 Prettier files (#3755) 7 år sedan
yarn.lock 71fc86c45e Locking Solidity compiler version (#4052) 6 år sedan


Mist Browserbeta

Github All Releases Build Status develop branch Build status Code Triagers Badge

The Mist browser is the tool of choice to browse and use Ðapps.

For the Mist API see MISTAPI.md.

This repository is also the Electron host for the Meteor-based wallet dapp.

Help and troubleshooting

In order to get help regarding Mist or Ethereum Wallet:

  1. Please check the Mist troubleshooting guide.
  2. Go to our Gitter channel to connect with the community for instant help.
  3. Search for similar issues and potential help.
  4. Or create a new issue and provide as much information as you can to recreate your problem.

How to contribute

Contributions via Pull Requests are welcome. You can see where to help looking for issues with the Enhancement or Bug labels. We can help guide you towards the solution.

You can also help by responding to issues. Sign up on CodeTriage and it'll send you gentle notifications with a configurable frequency. It is a nice way to help while learning.


If you want to install the app from a pre-built version on the release page, you can simply run the executable after download.

For updating, simply download the new version and copy it over the old one (keep a backup of the old one if you want to be sure).

Linux .zip installs

In order to install from .zip files, please install libgconf2-4 first:

apt-get install libgconf2-4

Config folder

The data folder for Mist depends on your operating system:

  • Windows %APPDATA%\Mist
  • macOS ~/Library/Application\ Support/Mist
  • Linux ~/.config/Mist


For development, a Meteor server assists with live reload and CSS injection.

Once a Mist version is released the Meteor frontend part is bundled using the meteor-build-client npm package to create pure static files.


To run mist in development you need:

  • Node.js v7.x (use the preferred installation method for your OS)
  • Meteor javascript app framework
  • Yarn package manager

Install the latter ones via:

$ curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
$ curl -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash


Now you're ready to initialize Mist for development:

$ git clone https://github.com/ethereum/mist.git
$ cd mist
$ yarn

Run Mist

For development we start the interface with a Meteor server for auto-reload etc.

Start the interface in a separate terminal window:

$ yarn dev:meteor

In the original window you can then start Mist with:

$ cd mist
$ yarn dev:electron

NOTE: Client binaries (e.g. geth) specified in clientBinaries.json will be checked during every startup and downloaded if out-of-date, binaries are stored in the config folder.

NOTE: use --help to display available options, e.g. --loglevel debug (or trace) for verbose output

Run the Wallet

Start the wallet app for development, in a separate terminal window:

$ yarn dev:meteor

In another terminal:

$ cd my/path/meteor-dapp-wallet/app && meteor --port 3050

In the original window you can then start Mist using wallet mode:

$ cd mist
$ yarn dev:electron --mode wallet

Connect your own node

This is useful if you are already running your own node or would like to connect with a private or development network.

$ yarn dev:electron --rpc path/to/geth.ipc

Passing options to Geth

You can pass command-line options directly to Geth by prefixing them with --node- in the command-line invocation:

$ yarn dev:electron --mode mist --node-rpcport 19343 --node-networkid 2

The --rpc Mist option is a special case. If you set this to an IPC socket file path then the --ipcpath option automatically gets set, i.e.:

$ yarn dev:electron --rpc path/to/geth.ipc

...is the same as doing...

$ yarn dev:electron --rpc /my/geth.ipc --node-ipcpath /path/to/geth.ipc

Creating a local private net

If you would like to quickly set up a local private network on your computer, run:

geth --dev

Look for the IPC path in the resulting geth output, then start Mist with:

$ yarn dev:electron --rpc path/to/geth.ipc


Our build system relies on gulp and electron-builder.


Cross-platform builds require additional dependencies needed by Electron Builder. Please follow their instructions for up to date dependency information.

Generate packages

To generate the binaries for Mist run:

$ yarn build:mist

To generate the Ethereum Wallet:

$ yarn build:wallet

The generated binaries will be under dist_mist/release or dist_wallet/release. Starting from 0.11.0, both Ethereum Wallet and Mist ships with a meteor-dapp-wallet instance (https://github.com/ethereum/meteor-dapp-wallet).



To build binaries for specific platforms (default: all available) use the following flags:

$ yarn build:mist --mac      # mac
$ yarn build:mist --linux    # linux
$ yarn build:mist --win      # windows

When building a binary, you can optionally skip some tasks — generally for testing purposes.

$ yarn build:mist --mac --skipTasks=build-interface,release-dist

Prints the SHA-256 checksums of the distributables.

It expects installer/zip files to be in the generated folders e.g. dist_mist/release

$ yarn task checksums [--wallet]

Tasks found in gulpfile.js and gulpTasks/

Any other gulp task can be run using yarn task.

$ yarn task clean-dist


Tests run using Spectron, a webdriver.io runner built for Electron.

First make sure to build Mist with:

$ yarn build:mist

Then run the tests:

$ yarn test:unit:once
$ yarn test:e2e

Note: Integration tests are not yet supported on Windows.