appveyor.yml 1.4 KB

  1. image: Visual Studio 2017
  2. platform: x64
  3. environment:
  4. nodejs_version: "8"
  5. # increasing `meteor build` memory allocation
  6. #
  7. TOOL_NODE_FLAGS: "--max-old-space-size=4096"
  9. secure: ErXQkfrN/bX6LtqcjtnLGw==
  10. matrix:
  11. - product: mist
  12. - product: wallet
  13. artifacts:
  14. - path: dist_mist\release\*
  15. name: Mist
  16. - path: dist_wallet\release\*
  17. name: Wallet
  18. cache:
  19. - node_modules
  20. - '%LOCALAPPDATA%\electron\Cache'
  21. - '%LOCALAPPDATA%\electron-builder\cache'
  22. init:
  23. # enabling RDP for debugging purposes
  24. - ps: $blockRdp = true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
  25. install:
  26. # Get the latest stable version of Node.js or io.js
  27. - ps: Install-Product node $env:nodejs_version
  28. # needed for meteor-dapp-wallet
  29. - git submodule update --init --recursive
  30. # installs global dependencies
  31. - choco install meteor
  32. - choco install nsis
  33. # prevents node 10 to be installed, as it's a dependency of yarn
  34. - choco install yarn --ignore-dependencies
  35. - refreshenv
  36. - ps: refreshenv
  37. - node --version
  38. # installs JS dependencies
  39. - yarn install
  40. - cd interface && yarn install
  41. build_script:
  42. - ps: yarn build:$env:product --win --skipTasks=build-interface
  43. - ps: yarn dist:$env:product
  44. test_script:
  45. - cmd: yarn test:unit:once