ToTranslate 2.4 KB

  1. less
  2. more
  3. not
  4. you
  5. me
  6. my
  7. your
  8. adjustment
  9. advertisement
  10. after
  11. again
  12. air
  13. almost
  14. among
  15. angry
  16. any
  17. ash(es)
  18. attraction
  19. back
  20. band
  21. bark
  22. basin
  23. bath
  24. because
  25. bed
  26. before
  27. belief
  28. belly
  29. bent
  30. bite
  31. bitter
  32. board
  33. boat
  34. body
  35. boiling
  36. bone
  37. bottle
  38. box
  39. brain
  40. branch
  41. brass
  42. brick
  43. broken
  44. brother
  45. bucket
  46. burn
  47. business
  48. butter
  49. cake
  50. canvas
  51. certain
  52. change
  53. chief
  54. chin
  55. circle
  56. claw
  57. clean
  58. cloth
  59. coal
  60. colour
  61. come
  62. committee
  63. complete
  64. complex
  65. conscious
  66. control
  67. copper
  68. cord
  69. cork
  70. cotton
  71. cough
  72. cover
  73. cow
  74. crack
  75. crime
  76. cry
  77. cup
  78. current
  79. cushion
  80. danger
  81. dark
  82. decision
  83. deep
  84. degree
  85. design
  86. die
  87. digestion
  88. direction
  89. dirty
  90. discovery
  91. drawer
  92. driving
  93. ear
  94. edge
  95. effect
  96. egg
  97. elastic
  98. engine
  99. equal
  100. even
  101. event
  102. example
  103. exchange
  104. expansion
  105. false
  106. father
  107. fear
  108. feeling
  109. fiction
  110. fight
  111. finger
  112. fire
  113. fish
  114. fixed
  115. flag
  116. flame
  117. flat
  118. flesh
  119. flight
  120. foot
  121. force
  122. form
  123. forward
  124. fowl
  125. free
  126. frequent
  127. front
  128. glass
  129. go
  130. gold
  131. government
  132. grass
  133. grease
  134. grey
  135. grip
  136. group
  137. gun
  138. hanging
  139. harbour
  140. hate
  141. healthy
  142. heart
  143. heat
  144. help
  145. hollow
  146. hope
  147. horn
  148. hundred
  149. ice
  150. idea
  151. ill
  152. important
  153. impulse
  154. increase
  155. ink
  156. install
  157. instrument
  158. insurance
  159. interest
  160. invention
  161. journey
  162. jump
  163. kettle
  164. knot
  165. knowledge
  166. land
  167. laugh
  168. level
  169. library
  170. lie
  171. like
  172. line
  173. lip
  174. liquid
  175. liver
  176. lock
  177. long
  178. loss
  179. louse
  180. low
  181. make
  182. male
  183. many
  184. map
  185. mark
  186. mass
  187. match
  188. material
  189. meal
  190. meat
  191. meeting
  192. middle
  193. mind
  194. mist
  195. money
  196. month
  197. mother
  198. move
  199. nail
  200. narrow
  201. natural
  202. neck
  203. normal
  204. north
  205. nose
  206. observation
  207. oil
  208. operation
  209. organization
  210. other
  211. oven
  212. owner
  213. page
  214. parallel
  215. parcel
  216. part
  217. past
  218. paste
  219. path
  220. payment
  221. peace
  222. pen
  223. physical
  224. pin
  225. place
  226. plane
  227. pocket
  228. point
  229. poison
  230. political
  231. poor
  232. position
  233. possible
  234. pot
  235. potato
  236. powder
  237. present
  238. price
  239. prison
  240. private
  241. probable
  242. produce
  243. property
  244. prose
  245. public
  246. pull
  247. pump
  248. punishment
  249. push
  250. question
  251. quick
  252. rail
  253. range
  254. rat
  255. reading
  256. ready
  257. reason
  258. receipt
  259. record
  260. relation
  261. representative
  262. request
  263. reward
  264. rice
  265. right
  266. ring
  267. room
  268. root
  269. rough
  270. round
  271. rub
  272. run
  273. sail
  274. sand
  275. scale
  276. seat
  277. second
  278. secret
  279. selection
  280. self
  281. send
  282. sense
  283. serious
  284. servant
  285. sex
  286. shade
  287. shake
  288. ship
  289. shirt
  290. shock
  291. short
  292. shut
  293. silk
  294. sit
  295. sky
  296. sleep
  297. slope
  298. smash
  299. smile
  300. smooth
  301. so
  302. sock
  303. soft
  304. solid
  305. sort
  306. soup
  307. space
  308. spoon
  309. square
  310. stage
  311. stamp
  312. stand
  313. start
  314. statement
  315. stem
  316. stick
  317. sticky
  318. still
  319. stitch
  320. stocking
  321. stop
  322. straight
  323. strange
  324. street
  325. substance
  326. suggestion
  327. sun
  328. talk
  329. tax
  330. ten
  331. tendency
  332. test
  333. then
  334. theory
  335. thick
  336. thing
  337. this
  338. though
  339. thunder
  340. ticket
  341. till
  342. tin
  343. to
  344. together
  345. tongue
  346. tooth
  347. touch
  348. trade
  349. tray
  350. tree
  351. trick
  352. trouble
  353. trousers
  354. true
  355. turn
  356. up
  357. use
  358. verse
  359. very
  360. view
  361. voice
  362. waiting
  363. walk
  364. wash
  365. waste
  366. watch
  367. wave
  368. wax
  369. weather
  370. weight
  371. well
  372. west
  373. while
  374. whip
  375. why
  376. window
  377. with
  378. wood
  379. wool
  380. word
  381. wound
  382. wrong
  383. year
  384. young
  385. in