A peer2peer teaching network by Dumitru Ursu, mainly written in Ruby on Rails. This is a mirror of https://github.com/dimaursu/discite

Dumitru Ursu f00d2d1681 Manage assets with bower 10 years ago
app f00d2d1681 Manage assets with bower 10 years ago
bin 0717f52032 Update gems 10 years ago
config f00d2d1681 Manage assets with bower 10 years ago
db 3f5d214f75 Add slides file 10 years ago
lib f60f54983e Remove lib assets 10 years ago
log 373d9b7df3 Initial commit 10 years ago
public 3b0878960e Move images from public folder 10 years ago
spec f9eb0ce8c1 Update test 10 years ago
vendor f00d2d1681 Manage assets with bower 10 years ago
.bowerrc f00d2d1681 Manage assets with bower 10 years ago
.gitignore eb39f903ba Ignore paperclip directories 10 years ago
.rspec 8030715c28 Add language to users 10 years ago
.ruby-version be4682c28f Use the newest rubinius available 10 years ago
Capfile fd2d6a70d9 Revome the compile_assets task 10 years ago
Gemfile f00d2d1681 Manage assets with bower 10 years ago
Gemfile.lock f00d2d1681 Manage assets with bower 10 years ago
LICENSE 0c54e1cc58 Add AGPL license text 10 years ago
README.rdoc f838485467 Restructure the readme file 10 years ago
Rakefile 824d378cca Rename application 10 years ago
bower.json f00d2d1681 Manage assets with bower 10 years ago
config.ru 373d9b7df3 Initial commit 10 years ago



How to install the application:

* Atention:
Run every command with a RAILS_ENV="something" as a prefix, if you want to
switch away from the default "development" environment

* Ruby version
The program was written on rubinius-2.1.1
With small adjustments it will work fine on MRI, v2.0

* System dependencies
- nodejs, or another javascript runtime
- graphicsmagick

* Configuration

* Database creation
Edit the config/database.yml file, and run:
rake db:create

* Database initialization
rake db:migrate
If you are doing development, you may want to run the database seeder script:
rake db:seed

* How to run the test suite
rake test:all

* Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

* Deployment instructions
Capistrano is used for deployment: check config/deploy.rb, config/deploy/, and
the Capfile.

* Other tools
rubocop - static code analyzer

=== ToDo
* Integrate TogetherJS
* Optimize the app by:
1. serve assets with nginx
2. use Unix sockets instead of tcp ones

Possible names:
[Osmosis] The name come from the process of osmosis, where 2 cells exchange nutrients

[Discite] It's from latin, it means "to learn". Also, I found a cool quote:
Aut disce aut discede
Either learn or go away.