README.rdoc 1.3 KB

  1. == README
  2. How to install the application:
  3. * Atention:
  4. Run every command with a RAILS_ENV="something" as a prefix, if you want to
  5. switch away from the default "development" environment
  6. * Ruby version
  7. The program was written on rubinius-2.1.1
  8. With small adjustments it will work fine on MRI, v2.0
  9. * System dependencies
  10. - nodejs, or another javascript runtime
  11. - graphicsmagick
  12. * Configuration
  13. * Database creation
  14. Edit the config/database.yml file, and run:
  15. rake db:create
  16. * Database initialization
  17. rake db:migrate
  18. If you are doing development, you may want to run the database seeder script:
  19. rake db:seed
  20. * How to run the test suite
  21. rake test:all
  22. * Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
  23. * Deployment instructions
  24. Capistrano is used for deployment: check config/deploy.rb, config/deploy/, and
  25. the Capfile.
  26. * Other tools
  27. rubocop - static code analyzer
  28. debugger
  29. simplecov
  30. === ToDo
  31. * Integrate TogetherJS
  32. * Optimize the app by:
  33. 1. serve assets with nginx
  34. 2. use Unix sockets instead of tcp ones
  35. Possible names:
  36. [Osmosis] The name come from the process of osmosis, where 2 cells exchange nutrients
  37. [Discite] It's from latin, it means "to learn". Also, I found a cool quote:
  38. Aut disce aut discede
  39. Either learn or go away.