hlsl.domain.2.tese 745 B

  1. // This will test having the PCF input to the domain shader not be given at the end of
  2. // the argument list. We must move it to the end of the linkage in this case.
  3. struct ds_in_t
  4. {
  5. float4 pos : POSITION;
  6. float3 norm : TEXCOORD0;
  7. };
  8. struct pcf_in_t
  9. {
  10. float flTessFactor [3] : SV_TessFactor;
  11. float flInsideTessFactor : SV_InsideTessFactor;
  12. float foo : PCF_FOO;
  13. };
  14. struct gs_in_t
  15. {
  16. float4 pos : POSITION;
  17. float3 norm : TEXCOORD0;
  18. };
  19. [domain ( "tri" )]
  20. gs_in_t main (pcf_in_t pcf_data, const OutputPatch <ds_in_t, 3> i, float3 tesscoord : SV_DomainLocation)
  21. {
  22. gs_in_t o;
  23. o.pos = i[0].pos + tesscoord.x;
  24. o.norm = i[0].norm + tesscoord.y;
  25. tesscoord.z;
  26. return o;
  27. }