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v2 Migration Guide

There are some breaking changes in v2. Configuration file from v1.x will not work, you will have to create new config file. Please read about config here. In this guide I will talk about CLI commands.

Save Layout

v1.x v2.x Description
-p save_to_folder -o save_to_folder/{SNG_TITLE} -p, --path was replaced with -o, --output with the ability to define save structure
-d all -i links.txt -d, --downloadmode was replaced with -i, --input-file to download from your desired text files
N/A -d, --headless Headless mode for downloading from scripts (quits once done)
-n, --no-progress N/A Updated progress to be reliable hence not needing this in scripts
N/A -U, --update Downloads new updates (only for binary)
N/A -rfp, --resolve-full-path Uses full path location in playlist file (mandatory for plex like apps)
N/A -cp, --create-playlist Force create playlists for albums and artists
N/A -conf, --config-file Specify custom config file

v2 mainly focuses on faster performance, better reliablity and the ability to use on third party programs.