123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 |
- VGA has primarily 5 main signals:
- - Red
- - Green
- - Blue
- - Hsync : Horizontal Sync
- - Vsync : Vertical Sync
- One can assign memory in registers for RGB to control how many colors to have on our screen.
- PS2 has 2 main signals:
- - clock
- - data : 11 bit packet (intended data is sampled on falling edge)
- start bit, 8 data bits, parity bit, stop bit
- When no data is transmitted, both clock and data signals are low.
- For including a module from other file in same folder, use syntax
- `include “another_file.v”
- `include “folder/another_file.v” //for further into a directory
- The typical convention is that *.sv files are placed on the compilers command line, whereas *.svh files are read by `include directives from other files
- Writing pin configuration file(pcf):
- set_io D1 99 - where D1 in this case is an input or output of the Verilog module called "D1", and 99 is the pin number of the Lattice FPGA.