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- Spirit of swarajya has to be followed when no rules are around:
- 1. Write clean and minimal code.
- 2. Always respect the freedom of the person on the other end. Never send him blobs without source.
- 3. Make things very very simple for the user following the constraint of not taking power in your hands.
- 4. Show 1-3 in each and every action, not just in words.
- 5. Remove another member of swarajya at the first suggestion of violating any of the points in 1-3 => Think very well about what you're suggesting or doing.
- 7. License everything with AGPLv3 (not AGPL version 3 or later, only version 3 until v4 comes out and there's no problem with v4).
- 8. All donations are anonymous. We thank the donors but will not and do not praise them in public.