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Maharashtra Act No. LVII of 1969.


(As modified upto the 30th January 2013)




Price-Rs. 94J

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i . Short title, extent, commencement and application.

2 . Definitions.

3 . Constitution of units.

4 . Appointment of agents.

5 . Restriction on purchase or transport of forest produce.

6 . Constitution of Advisory Committee.

7 . State Government to fix price in consultation with Committee.

8 . Opening of depot and Publication of price list etc., at depot.

9 . State Government or agent to purchase forest produce.

  1. Registration.

i i . Registration of manufacturers of finished goods using forest

produce and exporters of forest produce.

  1. Disposal of forest produce.

  2. Delegation of powers.

  3. Power of entry, search, seizure, etc.

i 5 . Penalty.

  1. Attempts and abetment.

  2. Cognizance of offences.

i 8 . Savings in respect of acts done in good faith.

  1. Power to make rules.

  2. Act XVI of 1927 not to apply to forest produce for purposes

covered under this Act.

  1. Removal of difficulties.

  2. Repeal and saving.


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MAHARASHTRA ACT No. LVII OF 19691 Ti-w MAHARASHTRA FOREST PRODUCE (RoiiiIoN OF TRADE) ACT, 1969.11 (Received the assent of the President on the 24th December 1969; assent first published in the Maharashtra Government Gazette, Part IV, on the 26th December 1969.) Amended by Mah. 45 of 1997* (1O121997)** An Act to make provision for regulating in the public interest the trade of certain 2*ft produce by creation of a State monopoly in such trade in the State of Maharashtra WHEREAS, it is expedient to provide for regulating in the public interest the trade of certain 3*forest produce by creation of a State monopoly in such trade in the State of Maharashtra; and for matters connected therewith; It is hereby enacted in the Twentieth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-

  1. (1) This Act may be called the Maharashtra 4*Forest Produce (Regulation of Trade) Short title,

extent, commence- ment and application.


Act, 1969.

(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Maharashtra.

(3) It shall come into force in such area or areas, and on such date or dates as the




State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify.






(4) It shall apply in respect of the 6*forest produce specified in the Schedule.

  1. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires :- (a) "agent" means an agent appointed under Section 4

(b) "Code" means the Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, i 966:



(c) "Committee" means an Advisory Committee constitued under sub-section

(1) of Section 6

(cl) "grower of 6* forest produce" means

XLI of

(i) in respect of 6* forest produce grown in areas as may, from time to time, be constituted as reserved or protected forests under the Indian Forest Act i 927 the State Government; and

(ii) in respect of 6* forest produce grown in areas not covered by sub-clause (i)-

(a) the State Government, where the 6* forest produce is grown on unoccupied

land as defined in Clause (4]) of Section 2 of the Code;

(b) the occupant or a tenant or a Government lessee of the holding or a superior holder, as the case may be, in a unit oh which the 6* forest produce grows; and includes every person who, from time to time, claims title to such produce through him;

1 For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Maharashtra Government Gazette, 1969, Part \Ç Extra


' 2 The words "minor" was deleted by Mah. 45 of 1997., s. 8. 3 The words "minor" was deleted ibid., s. 9. 4 The words "minor" was deleted ibid., s. 10. 5 27th day of December 1969, in the whole of the State of Maharashtra (vide G. N., R. and F D.

No. MFP.2169/221968-U, dated 27th December 1969.) 6 The words "minor" was deleted by Mah. 45 of 1 997. s. 11. *Maharashtra Ordinance No. XIX of 1997 was repealed by Mah. 45 of 1997, s. 14. **This indicates the date of commencement of the Act.

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Maharashtra Forest Produce (Regulation

of Trade) Act, 1969

1969: Mah. LVII J

i «e) "Forest Produce" means such forest produce as defined under the Indian Forest Act, 1927 as are specified in the Schedule appended to this Act, and the State Government may, from time to time. by notification in the Official Gazette, add to or modiFy the Schedule in the public interest, and the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 1 9 is so far as they relate to laying before and modification, as they apply in relation to any-rule made under that Section shall apply in relation to such Notification;J

(f) "Specified area" means the area specified in the notification under sub-section

(3) of Section 1;

( g ) "tenant" includes-

(i) a tenant as defined in sub-section (40) of Section 2 of the Code, and (ii) a tenant as defined in- (a) the Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1948, in relation to the Born. Bombay area of the State of Maharashtra ;


Hyderabad area of the State of Maharashtra ;

(b) the Hyderabad Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1950, in relation to the Hyd. Act XI of

in relation to the Vidarbha Region of the State of Maharashtra ;

(c) the Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Lands (Vidarbha Region) Act, 1958, Born. XCIX of

(h) "unit" means a sub-division of a specified area constituted into a unit under

Section 3

(i) Words and expressions "Government lessee", "holding", "occupant" and "superior holder" shall have the meanings, respectively, assigned to them in the Code;

O) Words and expressions used but not defined in this Act, and defined in the Indian XVI Forest Act, 1927, shall have the meanings, respectively, assigned to them in that Act.


Constitution o f units. Appoint-

:50 g

  1. The State Government may divide every specified area into such number of units

as it may deem fit in respect of each 2 * forest produce.

  1. (1) The State Government may, for the purpose of purchase of and trade in any2* forest produce on its behalf, appoint agents in respect of different units, and any such agent may be appointed in respect of more than one unit.

(2) The terms, conditions and the procedure for appointment of agents shall be such

as may be prescribed.

1 Clause (e) was substituted by Mah. 45 of 1997, s. 12.

2 The words "rninor" was deleted ibid.. s. 11.

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1969 : Mah. LVII J

Maharashtra Forest Produce (Regulation

of Trade) Act, 1969


no person other than-

  1. (1) On the issue of a notification under sub-section (3) of section 1 in any area. Restriction on purchase or transport of 1* forest produce

(a) the State Government ;

(b) an officer of the State Government authorised, in writing in that behalf ; or

(c) an agent in respect of the unit in which the i * forest produce has grown

shall purchase or transport the i* forset produce to which this Act applies.

Explanation I.-Purchase of i* forest produce from the State Government, or the aforesaid Government Officer or agent, shall not be deemed to be a purchase in contravention of the provision of the Act.

Explanantion II.-A person having no interest in the holding who has acquired the forest produce grown on such holding shall be deemed to have

right to collect any purchased such produce in contravention of the provisions of this Act.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1).-

(a) a grower of any

forest produce may transport such produce belonging to him from any place within the unit wherein such produce has grown, to any other place in that unit: and

(b) * forest produce purchased from the State Government or any officer or agent specified in the said sub-section by any person for manufature of finished goods using such produce within the State or by any person for sale outside the State may be transported by such person outside the unit in accordance with the terms and conditions of a permit, to be issued in that behalf by such authority and in such manner as may be prescribed.

(3) Any person desiring to sell i* forest produce may sell it to the aforesaid

Government Officer or agent at any depot situated within the said unit.

  1. (1) The State Government shall, for each year commencing on the ist day of July Constitution of Advisory and ending on the 30th day of June next following, constitute, in respect of each i*forest Committee. produce, an Advisory Committee for one or more Revenue Commissioners' divisions in the State consisting of not more than nine members as may be notified by the State Government from time to time for the purpose of advising the State Government in the matter offixation, from time to time. of a fair and reasonable price at which such produce may be purchased by the State Government or its authoirsed officer or agent, as is offered for sale in such division or divisions in accordance with the provisions of this Act

Provided that, two of the members shall be from amongst the traders of the respective forest produce, or manufactures of finished goods using such produce and four members shall be from amongst the growers of the respective * forest produce other than the State Government.

  1. The words "minor" was deleted by Mah. 45 of 1997, s. 11.

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Maharashtra Forest Produce (Regulation

of Trade) Act, 1969

1969: Mah. LVII J

(2) It shall also be the duty of the Committee to advise the State Government on such

other matters as may be referred to it by the State Government.

(3) The business of the Committee shall be conducted in such manner as may be


(4) The members of the Committee shall be entitled to such allowances as may be


Provided that, a member of the State Legislature, while holding the office of member of the Committee shall not be entitled to receive any allowances other than travelling allownance, daily allowance or such other allowance which is paid to the holder of such office for the purpose of meeting the personal expenditure incurred in attending the meeting of the Committee or in performing any other functions as holder of such office.

(5) The Committee shall tender its advice to the State Government within such period

as the State Government may, for each Committee, specify in this behalf


  1. The State Government shall afler consultation with the Committee, constituted Government under section 6 in respect of any particular * forest produce fix the price at which such to fix price in consultation produce shall be purchased by it or by any of its authorised officer or agent, from Committee growers of that produce and shall publish the same in the Official Gazette and in such other manner as may be prescribed not later than the 3 1 st day of December ; and the price so fixed shall not be altered during the year to which the price relates

Provided that, if the Committee fails to tender advice within the period specified under sub-section (5) of section 6 (or such further period not exceeding fifteen days as the State Government may allow), the State Government may proceed to fix the price without consultation with the Committee

Provided further that, different prices may be fixed for different units, and in so doing

regard shall be had amongst other things, to-

(a) prices of the respective * forest produce obtained or fixed under this Act, or any enactment during the preceding three years in respect of the area comprised in the unit

(b) the quality of the * forest produce grown in the unit

(c) transport facilities available in the unit

(cl) the cost of transport ; and

(e) the general level of wages for unskilled labour prevalent in the unit.

Opening of

  1. There shall be set up in each unit such number of depots, and at such places, as publicationof the State Government may, taking into consideration the convenience of the growers of the respective * forest produce, direct; and a price list of such produce fixed by the c:;ot State Government under section 7 and the hours of business shall be prominently

price list,

displayed on a notice board kept for the purpose at every such depot.

  1. The words "minor" was deleted by Mah. 45 of 1997, s. 11.

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1969 : Mah. LVII J

Maharashtra Forest Produce (Regulation

of Trade) Act, 1969


  1. (1). The State Government or its authorised officer or agent-shall be bound to State Government purchase at the price fixed under section 71* forest produce offered for sale at the depot or agent to during the hours of business : purchase * forest produce.

Provided that, it shall be open to the State Government or the authorised officer or the forest produce which in their opinion is not fit for the agent to refuse to purchase any purpose of manufacture of finished goods using such produce, or for any other commer- cial purpose.

(2) Any person aggrieved by the refusal to purchase * forest produce by an authorised officer or agent under the proviso to sub-section (1) in may, within fifteen days therefrom, refer the matter to the Divisional Forest Officer, or such other officer who may be empowered by the State Government in this behalf, having jurisdiction over the unit in which the 1* forest produce has grown.

(3) On receipt of a complaint under sub-section (2), the Divisional Forest Officer or such other officer, as the case may be, shall hold an enquiry on the spot or at the headquarters, in the prescribed manner; and afler hearing the parties concerned or their authorised agent shall pass such orders as he may deem fit; and in case he finds'the refusal to purchase the * forest produce to be improper, he may,-

(a) if he considers the * forest produce in question still suitable for the manufacture of finished goods, or for any other commercial purpose direct the authorised officer or agent, as the case may be, to purchase the same, and may also award to the person aggrieved such further compensation not exceeding twenty per centum of the price of the i * forest produce payable to him, as he may deem fit

(b) if he considers that the * forest produce in question has since become unsuitable for manufacture of finished goods or for any other commercial purpose, direct the payment to the person aggrieved of any amount not less than the price of such ' *forest produce payable to him under sub-section (1) and such further compensation not exceed- ing twenty per centum of such price as he may deem fit by way of damages for the loss suffered by such person.

(4) Nothing in this section shall be.construed as to debar the appropriation of any forest produce offered for sale, if the State Government or its authorised officer or the agent has reason to believe that such produce appertains to forest or lands belonging to the State Government and paying only such collection charges, if any, at the State Government may from time to time determine

Provided that, in the case of any dispute, the Divisional Forest Officer or such other officer who may be specifically empowered in this behalf as specified in sub-section (2), shall hear and dispose of the same in the manner provided therein.

  1. The words "minor" was deleted by Mah. 45 of 1997 s. 11.

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Maharashtra Forest Produce (Regulation

of Trade) Act, 1969

1969: Mah. LVII J

(5) Any person aggrieved hy the decision of any officer referred to in the provisio to sub-section (4) may within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of such decision, prefer an appeal to the State Governement : and the decision of the State Government on such appeal shall be final.


  1. Every grower

1 *forest produce other than the State Government shall, if the quantity of such produce grown by him during a year is likely to exceed such quantity as may be prescribed. Get himself registered in the prescribed manner.

(I) Every manufacturer of finished goods usingl* forest produce, and every Registration Manufacturers exporter of *forest produce shall get himself registered within such period, on payment

of finished of such fee. and in such manner, as may be prescribed.

goods using dd (2) Every such manufacturer and exporter registered under sub-section (1) shall

exportersof* furnish a declaration'in such form. by such date, and in such manner, as may be forest produce. prescribed.

  1. Any l*forest produce purchased by the State Government or by its officer or Disposal of * forest produce. agent, under this Act, shall be sold or otherwise disposed of in such manner as the State

Government may direct.

Delegation of

  1. The State Government may, by order, in the Official Gazette delegate any of its powers. powers or functions under this Act or the mlles made thereunder to any officer or authority not below the rank of an Assistant Conservator of Forests who shall exercise or perform the same, subject to such conditions and restrictions as the State Government may speciFy in the order.

Powers of

  1. (1) Any police officer not below the rank of a Sub-Inspector or any other person entry search authorised by the State Government may, with a view to securing compliance with the scizure, etc. provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder or to satisfying himself that the said

provisions have been complied with-

(i) stop and search any person, boat, vehicle or receptacle used or intended to

be used for the transport of a

forest produce

(ii) enter and search any place ;

(iii) seize

forest produce in respect of which he suspects that any provision of this Act, or the rules made thereunder has been, is being or is about to be contravened alongwith the receptacle containing such produce or the vehicles or boats used in carrying such produce.

(2) The provisions of sections 102 and 103 ofthe Code of Criminal Procedure. 1898,* relating to search and seizure shall, so far as may be, apply to searches and seizures under this section.

V of 898


  1. If any person contravenes any of the provisions of this Act or the rules made

thereunder :-

(a) he shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to one year or with

fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both

  1. The words "minor" was deleted by Mah. 45 of 1997. s. 11
  2. Now see Code of Criminal Procedure Act, 1973 (2 of 1974).

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1969 : Mah. LVII J

Maharashtra Forest Produce (Regulation

of Trade) Act, 1969


(b) the 1* forest produce in respect of which such contravention has been made or such part thereof as the Court may deem fit shall be forfeited to the State Government;

Provided that, if the Court is of the opinion that it is not necessary to direct forfeited in respect of the whole, or as the case may be, any part of the * forest produce it may, for reasons to be recorded, refrain from doing so.

  1. Any person who attempts to contravene or aibets the contravention of any Attempts

provision of this Act or the rules made thereunder shall be deemed to have contravened and such provisions.


  1. No Court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under this Act except Cognizance on a report in writing of the facts constituting such offence made hy any Forest Officer of offences. not below the rank of a Divisional Forest Officer or by any other officer as may be authorised by the State Government in this behalf

  2. (1) No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against any person Saving in for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be so done in pursuance of this respect of acts done in Act or the rules made thereunder. good faith.

(2) No suit or other legal proceedings shall lie against the State Government for any damage caused or likely to be caused or any injury suffered or likely to be suffered by virtue of the provisions of this Act or by anything which is in good faith done or intended to be so done in pursuance of this Act or the rules made thereunder.

  1. (1) The State Government may make subject to the condition of previous Power to

publication, rules to carry out all or any of the provisions of this Act.

make rules.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generally of the foregoing provisions

such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely :-

(a) procedure to he followed in making appointment of agents

(b) publication of the price lists of * forest produce

(c) manner of holding enquires under this Act

(cl) the authority by whom the manner in which and the conditions subject to which,

permits may by issued.

(c) the manner of registration under Section 10

(f) (i) manner of registration, the period within which such registration, shall be

made and fee payable therefore, under Sub-section (1) of Section 1 1

  1. The words "Minor" was deleted by Mah. 45 of 1997, s. 11.

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(ii) form of declaration, authority to whom, date by which and the manner in which,

the declaration shall be furnished under Sub-section (2) of Section 11:

(g) any other matter which is either expressly or impliedly required to be prescribed

under this Act.

(3) Every rule made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be, afler it is made, before each House of the State Legislature while it is in session for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two successive sessions, and if, before the expiry, of the session in which it is so laid or the session immediately following, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, and notify such decision in the Official Gazette, the rule shall, from the date of publication of such notification, have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so however that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done or omitted to be done under that rule.

  1. Nothing contained in the Indian Forest Act 1927, shall apply to ActXVI of i 927 not to in respect of matters for which provisions are contained in this Act.

apply to l*forest produce for purposes covered under this Act.

forest produce xvI

° f

  1. If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act the State Removal of difficulties. Government may. by order, do anything not inconsistent with such provisions, which appears to it to be necessary or expedient for the purpose' of removing the diffculty.

Repeal and Saving.

  1. (1) The Maharashtra Minor Forest Produce (Regulation of Trade) Ordinance, i 969, hereby repealed.

(2) Anything done or any action taken by or under the Ordinance so repealed, shall Mah. be deemed to have been done or taken under this Act as if this Act had come into force Ord. xiv on the 22nd day of October 1969.


See Section 2(e) J

i . Temburni (or tendu) leaves.

22 Apta (Bauhinia recemesa) leaves.J

  1. The words "minor" was deleted by Mah. 45 of 1997 s. 11.
  2. Entry 2 was added by G. N. R. & F. D. No. MFP. 1569/216012-(A)-U, dated 24th June 1971.


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