Package: trako
Author: Philippe Coval
Description: C++ tracking library that count instances funct calls etc
Trako aims to help profiling a C++ project in real time
without changing much of the architecture and related code to be studied...
Features :
* Class profiling :
+ count how many instances of class at a given type
+ tell how many instances where created since last query
+ ...
* Methods profiling :
+ trace methods call stack (entering or leaving)
+ mesure time spend in method or scope
+ count how many times methods have been called
+ ...
* Prevent pollution of code :
+ enable or disable using a single defines and link with a lib
+ no additionnal code in user's files beside those a macros
+ usage of macros that can easly disabled or located removed etc
+ can be used everywhere investigation need to be focused on
as long as you have the source code
* Integration in emacs (and probally other grep supported editors/IDE) :
+ file:line log entry format , just jump to the right place in one click
### USAGE ###
Link your app with libtrako's enabled
Add those "TRAKO keywords" in your tracked class ie :
class MyClass { TRAKO_CLASS(MyClass); };
Then you can collect stats, anywhere you have to call :
TRAKO_DIFF(); //will print new instances
and the result will be printed to console :
src/main.cpp:73: trace: -1=1 =16B (<2<42 )
read it as :
* src/main.cpp: source where trace was invoked
* 54: line in previous file
* trace: tag to ease filtering
* : Typename of tracked class with TRAKO_CLASS keyword
* -1 : one instance was removed since last query
* =1 : number instances of it are living in ram
* = 16B : taking 16Bytes of RAM
* (<2 : maximum different instances at a give time
* <42 ) : total of instance created
If you want to profile time spend in methods, ie:
void funct() { TRAKO_FUNCT(); };
will display time since application startup and once returning function, ie:
src/main.cpp:20: scope: { method @1 [=0s 706us]
src/main.cpp:26: scope: { methodSub @2 [=0s 715us]
src/main.cpp:26: scope: } methodSub @2 [+0s 3us]
For more have a look at those example files :
* fell free to report discovered bugs, wishes etc by email
* supporting only g++ so far
* barly supports typename collision among different namespaces
### TODO ###
Other features may come later,
most of them are already in progress if not done
I plan to publish them once polished...
* Features
** TODO [#A] assertion logs
** TODO [#B] script to ins/des/intrument source
** TODO [#B] also track non user pointers even on closed source code
** TODO [#C] port to other compilers clang msvc etc
** TODO [#C] script to display source along its trace
** TODO [#C] Integration with other tools, XML, gnuplot etc
* Refactoring tasks :
** TODO [#C] use STL's functions objects