
rz commented on issue Umnik/DownloaderForSaveTo#10

Please catch intent VIEW with mime type video

I use SaveTo with this option enabled and for some reason it doesn't catch this intent.

1 year ago

rz opened issue Umnik/DownloaderForSaveTo#10

Please catch intent VIEW with mime type video

1 year ago

rz opened issue Umnik/SaveTo#56

Strange behaviour when exiting chooser with back key

2 years ago

rz commented on issue Umnik/SaveTo#48

Do not recreate notification


2 years ago

rz closed issue Umnik/SaveTo#43

Don't handle intent if file already saved in an accessible location

2 years ago

rz commented on issue Umnik/SaveTo#43

Don't handle intent if file already saved in an accessible location

Just tested again, 1.15.4 from F-droid and this seems to work perfectly :)

2 years ago

rz commented on issue Umnik/SaveTo#43

Don't handle intent if file already saved in an accessible location

It always recognized sdcard. The weird thing was that to select the /sdcard/Download dir as target dir I first had to go into a subdir and back up one level. Do not know how to test whether this is still the case.

2 years ago

rz commented on issue Umnik/SaveTo#48

Do not recreate notification

No idea whether it should be low priority but not recreating it every time is certainly a good idea.

2 years ago

rz commented on issue Umnik/SaveTo#43

Don't handle intent if file already saved in an accessible location

Works perfectly here. I understand the problem, but luckily my PDF viewer (muPDF) has file access rights so perhaps in this special situation it is stable.

2 years ago

rz commented on issue Umnik/SaveTo#45

GUI problems with "save to selected directories"

That is bizarre. So I can use the Download directory but to select it I need this funny workaround. Not a real access restriction but plain silly.

2 years ago

rz opened issue Umnik/SaveTo#45

GUI problems with "save to selected directories"

2 years ago

rz commented on issue Umnik/SaveTo#43

Don't handle intent if file already saved in an accessible location

Thanks for the explanation. Not sure if I expressed my thoughts very well previously.

2 years ago

rz commented on issue Umnik/SaveTo#43

Don't handle intent if file already saved in an accessible location

Thanks, it was not a big problem to reset the default handler.

2 years ago

rz opened issue Umnik/SaveTo#43

Don't handle intent if file already saved in an accessible location

2 years ago

rz commented on issue Umnik/SaveTo#37

catch also intent.action.VIEW

Thanks, appears to work perfectly. Even translates the ":" in file name so that I don't have to edit the file name manually :)

2 years ago

rz opened issue Umnik/SaveTo#37

catch also intent.action.VIEW

2 years ago