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- ##### My (demuredemeanor) bashrc sub source script
- # Uses tabstop=4; shiftwidth=4 tabs; foldmarker={{{,}}};
- # https://notabug.org/demure/dotfiles/
- # legacy repo http://github.com/demure/dotfiles
- # vim:set syntax=sh:
- ## Inspired by https://github.com/gmarik/dotfiles/blob/master/.bash/bashrc
- so() { [ -s $1 ] && source $1; }
- #so ~/.subbash/profile # main configuration
- ## Uses:
- ## export ENV_NAME=$(uname -s|tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')
- #so ~/.subbash/${ENV_NAME}_profile # configuration per OS linux/OSX
- #so ~/.subbash/common # common stuff or overriding
- so ~/.subbash/export # Exports
- so ~/.subbash/shopt # Shopts
- so ~/.subbash/installcheck # Checks for installs, $MISSING_PROGRAMS
- so ~/.subbash/sshagent # SSH agent, have before settings
- so ~/.subbash/gpgagent # GPG agent, have before settings
- ### Interactive ### {{{
- if [[ $- == *i* ]]; then
- so ~/.subbash/prompt # COMMAND_PROMPT function
- so ~/.subbash/alias # Alias
- so ~/.subbash/function # Functions
- fi
- ### End Interactive ### }}}
- ## This needs to be after Interactive, to override
- so ~/.subbash/settings # Machine dependent settings
- ## This is last, so it can override everything. Less fighting with mini installs.
- so ~/.subbash/bashrc.local # machine specific config. not tracked
- return 0 # Return 0, so it doesn't show