demure 54ab46e186 Correted icons call in test. Corrected range use 5 icons, instead of the mistaken old range. 9 rokov pred
.. 25c4b5f985 Oh markdown, how you vex me 9 rokov pred
demure_i3_lemonbar_mod.png 8f8335a4ec Attempting to add a preview pic to the readme 9 rokov pred 2d53bb9ad4 Switched to i3 window manager, and set up a sweet lemonbar 9 rokov pred
i3_lemonbar_config 2d53bb9ad4 Switched to i3 window manager, and set up a sweet lemonbar 9 rokov pred
i3_lemonbar_conky 2d53bb9ad4 Switched to i3 window manager, and set up a sweet lemonbar 9 rokov pred 54ab46e186 Correted icons call in test. Corrected range use 5 icons, instead of the mistaken old range. 9 rokov pred 2d53bb9ad4 Switched to i3 window manager, and set up a sweet lemonbar 9 rokov pred 2d53bb9ad4 Switched to i3 window manager, and set up a sweet lemonbar 9 rokov pred

##Demure's i3 lemonbar

my bar

###Base This is based off of i3 lemonbar. While a lot of the code is the same, I have modified it to do what I want. There were a few parts of the original that didn't make sense to me, and other things I wanted to add.

###Requirements This requires lemonbar (which used to be called bar). I do not recommend the vanila lemonbar, as it's xft font support is... crap? I use lemonbar krypt-n instead of lemonbar.

This will also need i3wm, as it is tailored for this.


  • On my system, volume and a number of other segments had an extra %. FINISHED
  • Edited vol command to be more efficient, and not need a conf line FINISHED
  • I felt that the declaring 1024 as a 'small screen' was falling short, set to 1336. FINISHED
  • Edited the buffer between segments to be smaller. FINISHED
  • Removed gmail support, and added offlineimap support FINISHED
  • Added local ip, prefers eth over wlan; shows appropriate icon; shows wifi signal strength if wifi. FINISHED
  • Added external ip FINISHED
  • Added battery, different icons for level, different colors for level, icon for charging. FINISHED
  • Added temp, with threshold color. FINISHED
  • Made ram show percent instead of raw number FINISHED
  • Disabled weechat part, as my weechat lives on my server. Work need a major overhaul, and likely be out of sync, or insecure.
  • Made one segment for both eth and wlan speed, prefers eth. FINISHED

###Things I want

  • I am not sure if I can make this set up show i3 keybinding modes in the bar... would like this.