Rainer Schöpf c907f0ea01 svn property updates for historica tree: il y a 13 ans
Makefile c907f0ea01 svn property updates for historica tree: il y a 13 ans
README 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
assist.doc 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
assist.log 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
assist.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
assist.tst 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
changevar.log 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
changevar.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
changevar.tex 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
changevar.tst 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
cvit.doc 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
cvit.log 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
cvit.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
cvit.tst 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
desir.doc 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
desir.log 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
desir.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
desir.tst 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
fide.doc 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
fide.log 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
fide.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
fide.tst 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
fide1.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
laplace.doc 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
laplace.log 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
laplace.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
laplace.tst 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
linineq.log 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
linineq.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
linineq.tex 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
linineq.tst 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
noncom2.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
odeex.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
physop.log 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
physop.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
physop.tex 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
physop.tst 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
pm.doc 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
pm.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
pmrules.log 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
pmrules.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
pmrules.tst 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
pmrules2.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
reacteqn.doc 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
reacteqn.log 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
reacteqn.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
reacteqn.tst 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
reduce.tex 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
redwidth.tex 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
reset.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
rlfi.doc 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
rlfi.log 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
rlfi.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
rlfi.tst 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
showrules.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
tri.latex 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
tri.log 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
tri.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
tri.tex 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
tri.tst 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
tritest.tex 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
tritstx.tex 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
tstdesir 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
wu.log 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
wu.red 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
wu.tex 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans
wu.tst 7560dcb3a3 Some historical releases purely for archival purposes il y a 13 ans



15 July 1991

The files in this directory comprise a library of contributions from many
REDUCE users. The relevant members first appeared in the REDUCE Network
Library. They are collected here as a service to REDUCE users, and no
responsibility can be taken regarding them. In particular, any questions
about any of the files should be directed to the relevant author(s).

All code in this library has been tested with REDUCE 3.4, but may require
modifications to work in later releases. Any updates will appear in later
releases of this library, or in the REDUCE Network Library. For an
information about this library, send the message "help" to
reduce-netlib@rand.org or reduce-netlib@can.nl.

A prototypical Makefile is included for those users whose systems provide
this facility (e.g., UNIX-based systems). Although this makefile is
specific to PSL- and Common Lisp-based systems, it should be fairly easy
to modify for other versions. The use of this Makefile should be
self-explanatory. In particular, "make all" will make fast loading
versions of all relevant files in that directory, and "make "
will make a fast loading version of the package named .

The Network Library is divided into sublibraries which have a particular
theme (such as "chemistry"). The sublibraries are then divided into
members, which are individual files with names of the form ..
This particular organization is not preserved here, since all members are
in a single directory. The table of contents of the current library
organized in the original hierarchical manner is:


reacteqn.doc - documentation for reaction equation system package
reacteqn.log - log of test file for reaction equation system package
reacteqn.red - source for reaction equation system package
reacteqn.tst - test file for reaction equation system package

DE (Differential Equations)

changevar.log - Log of test file for Changevar - a package for
changing variables in differential equations
changevar.red - Source for Changevar package
changevar.tex - Tex version of document for Changevar package
changevar.tst - Test file for Changevar package
desir.doc - Document for DESIR package
desir.log - Log of UNIX script for testing DESIR package
desir.red - Source for DESIR package
desir.tst - Test file for DESIR package. This should be used with
the UNIX script tstdesir, or modified for the local
tstdesir - UNIX script for testing DESIR package
fide.doc - Document for FIDE package for the automation
of the finite difference method for PDE's
fide.log - log of run of FIDE package test file
fide1.red - part 1 of source file for FIDE package
fide.red - part 2 of source file for FIDE package
fide.tst - Test file for FIDE package
odeex.red - Examples of solving ODE's using Taylor series


wu.log - log of test file for Wu's algorithm package
wu.red - source for Wu's algorithm package
wu.tex - LaTeX version of document for Wu's algorithm
package (there is no plain text version)
wu.tst - test file for Wu's algorithm package


laplace.red - source for Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms
laplace.doc - document for Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms
laplace.tst - Test file for Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms
laplace.log - Log of test file for Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms


reset.red - code for resetting REDUCE to initial state


cvit.red - source for CVIT package for the computation of Dirac
gamma matrix expressions by the Cvitanovic-Kennedy
cvit.doc - document for CVIT package
cvit.log - log of running test file for CVIT package
cvit.tst - test file for CVIT package
physop.red - source file for PHYSOP package for operator
calculus in physics. This REQUIRES the NONCOM2
package described below
physop.log - log of running test file for PHYSOP package
physop.tex - LaTeX version of document for PHYSOP package
physop.tst - Test file for PHYSOP package
noncom2.red - source for noncommutativity package NONCOM2
needed by PHYSOP package


pm.red - Source of the PM pattern matcher
pmrules.red - Basic rules for PM pattern matcher
NOTE that pm.red is loaded by this file
pmrules2.red - More rules for PM pattern matcher, but not thoroughly
tested. NOTE that pm.red and pmrules.red must be loaded
before this file
pm.doc - Document for the PM pattern matcher
pmrules.tst - Test file for the PM pattern matcher and basic rules
pmrules.log - Log of test file for PM pattern matcher and basic rules


linineq.log - Log of test file for the linineq package for
solving sets of linear inequalities
linineq.red - Source for linineq package
linineq.tex - LaTex version of document for linineq package
linineq.tst - Test file for linineq package


reduce.tex - TeX file to be used together with output from
the TRI package for producing TeX output
redwidth.tex - TeX file for determining item widths
tri.latex - LaTeX form of document for TRI package
tri.red - REDUCE source code for TRI package
tri.tex - TeX form of document for TRI package
tri.tst - Test file for TRI package; this produces a file
tritst.tex, which can be compared with
tritstx.tex, and then processed by "tex tritest"
tri.log - Log from run of TRI test file
tritest.tex - TeX file for processing output of tri.tst
tritstx.tex - Normal output from running test file for TRI package
rlfi.doc - Document for the RLFI package for producing
LaTeX output
rlfi.red - REDUCE source for RLFI package
rlfi.log - Log from run of RLFI test file
rlfi.tst - Test file for RLFI package


assist.doc - Document for ASSIST utility package
assist.log - Log of test file for ASSIST utility package
assist.red - Source for ASSIST utility package
assist.tst - Test file for ASSIST utility package
showrules.red - Source for a command to show rules for an
operator (no other documentation)