Generate Stripe previews for a video.

Granottier Redemptor.M eeca1bddb2 Added Text Wrapping for long title, and Dynamic Spacing for the Wrapped title hai 7 meses f780364c53 Test READme edit hai 9 meses eeca1bddb2 Added Text Wrapping for long title, and Dynamic Spacing for the Wrapped title hai 7 meses

Hello World.

Video Stripe Preview Generator

This is a Script that uses ffmpeg to generate a stripe preview of a given video.

Usage [ -Flag "Input" ]...

  • First Argument is the path to the shell script file
  • Second argument is the Flag
  • Third Argument is the Input for the Flag

Flag, Input, and Description Table

This table will show possible flags and Inputs

Flag Input Description
[N/A] This Flag will print out the useful info about this script
[N/A] This flag will Quit the Script right before FFmpeg command (-dr -el -ew wont work with this)
[N/A] This flag will Run the FFmpeg but outputs no data "-f null /dev/null"
[N/A] This Flag will make ffmpeg log everything to stderr
[N/A] This Flag will write FFmpegs stderr to ffmpeg_error.log in Current Working Directory
[N/A] This Flag will print out the useful info about this script
Input File [**] This flag will take <String> Input of the Video File location
Final Preview Width [~] This flag will take <Integer> Input of the approximate width in pixels of the final preview image
Border Size [~] This flag will take <Integer> Input of border size in pixels of the final tiled preview
Padding Size [~] This flag will take <Integer> Input of padding size in pixels of the final tiled preview
No of Columns [~] This flag will take <Integer> Input of number of columns of tiles in the final preview Minimum Value = 1
No of Rows [~] This flag will take <Integer> Input of number of rows of tiles in the final preview Minimum Value = 1

[N/A]: This Flag requires no Input.

[**]: This Flag requires a mandatory Input.

[~]: This Flag is Optional.

[!IMPORTANT] If Name has [Space], then wrap it in Double Quotes -> "Name"



I don’t know what packages you'll need to use the following tools, i.e I'll just list the tools, and you make sure to get it before running the script.

  • bash
  • printf
  • echo
  • test
  • expr
  • ffmpeg
  • ffprobe
  • exit
  • shift
  • basename
  • grep
  • sed
  • tail
  • tr
  • eval
  • pwd
  • readlink

[!NOTE] Probably the Only additional package you'll need is FFmpeg, but better be safe that sorry