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- first-child first-child [Selector]\nSelects every <p> elements that is the first child of its parent
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- after after [Selector]\nInsert content after every <p> element
- lang lang(language) [Selector]\nSelects every <p> element with a lang attribute value starting with `language`
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- unicode-bidi unicode-bidi [Property]
- vertical-align vertical-align [Property]\nSets the vertical alignment of an element
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- a a\nDefines an anchor
- abbr abbr\nDefines an abbreviation
- acronym acronym\nDefines an acronym
- address address\nDefines contact information for the author/owner of a document
- applet applet\nDeprecated. Defines an embedded applet
- area area\nDefines an area inside an image-map
- b b\nDefines bold text
- base base\nDefines a default address or a default target for all links on a page
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- big big\nDefines big text
- blockquote blockquote\nDefines a long quotation
- body body\nDefines the document's body
- br br\nDefines a single line break
- button button\nDefines a push button
- caption caption\nDefines a table caption
- center center\nDeprecated. Defines centered text
- cite cite\nDefines a citation
- code code\nDefines computer code text
- col col\nDefines attribute values for one or more columns in a table
- colgroup colgroup\nDefines a group of columns in a table for formatting
- dd dd\nDefines a description of a term in a definition list
- del del\nDefines deleted text
- dfn dfn\nDefines a definition term
- dir dir\nDeprecated. Defines a directory list
- div div\nDefines a section in a document
- dl dl\nDefines a definition list
- dt dt\nDefines a term (an item) in a definition list
- em em\nDefines emphasized text
- fieldset fieldset\nDefines a border around elements in a form
- font font\nDeprecated. Defines font, color, and size for text
- form form\nDefines an HTML form for user input
- frame frame\nDefines a window (a frame) in a frameset
- frameset frameset\nDefines a set of frames
- h1 h1\nDefines HTML heading
- h2 h2\nDefines HTML heading
- h3 h3\nDefines HTML heading
- h4 h4\nDefines HTML heading
- h5 h5\nDefines HTML heading
- h6 h6\nDefines HTML heading
- head head\nDefines information about the document
- hr hr\nDefines a horizontal line
- html html\nDefines an HTML document
- i i\nDefines italic text
- iframe iframe\nDefines an inline frame
- img img\nDefines an image
- input input\nDefines an input control
- ins ins\nDefines inserted text
- isindex isindex\nDeprecated. Defines a searchable index related to a document
- kbd kbd\nDefines keyboard text
- label label\nDefines a label for an input element
- legend legend\nDefines a caption for a fieldset element
- li li\nDefines a list item
- link link\nDefines the relationship between a document and an external resource
- map map\nDefines an image-map
- menu menu\nDeprecated. Defines a menu list
- meta meta\nDefines metadata about an HTML document
- noframes noframes\nDefines an alternate content for users that do not support frames
- noscript noscript\nDefines an alternate content for users that do not support client-side scripts
- object object\nDefines an embedded object
- ol ol\nDefines an ordered list
- optgroup optgroup\nDefines a group of related options in a select list
- option option\nDefines an option in a select list
- p p\nDefines a paragraph
- param param\nDefines a parameter for an object
- pre pre\nDefines preformatted text
- q q\nDefines a short quotation
- s s\nDeprecated. Defines strikethrough text
- samp samp\nDefines sample computer code
- script script\nDefines a client-side script
- select select\nDefines a select list (drop-down list)
- small small\nDefines small text
- span span\nDefines a section in a document
- strike strike\nDeprecated. Defines strikethrough text
- strong strong\nDefines strong text
- style style\nDefines style information for a document
- sub sub\nDefines subscripted text
- sup sup\nDefines superscripted text
- table table\nDefines a table
- tbody tbody\nGroups the body content in a table
- td td\nDefines a cell in a table
- textarea textarea\nDefines a multi-line text input control
- tfoot tfoot\nGroups the footer content in a table
- th th\nDefines a header cell in a table
- thead thead\nGroups the header content in a table
- title title\nDefines the title of a document
- tr tr\nDefines a row in a table
- tt tt\nDefines teletype text
- u u\nDeprecated. Defines underlined text
- ul ul\nDefines an unordered list
- var var\nDefines a variable part of a text
- xmp xmp\nDeprecated. Defines preformatted text