@@ -1,329 +1,329 @@
---- Functions for creating primitive shapes.
-local mh = worldedit.manip_helpers
---- Adds a cube
-function worldedit.cube(pos, width, height, length, node_name, hollow)
- -- Set up voxel manipulator
- local basepos = vector.subtract(pos, {x=math.floor(width/2), y=0, z=math.floor(length/2)})
- local manip, area = mh.init(basepos, vector.add(basepos, {x=width, y=height, z=length}))
- local data = mh.get_empty_data(area)
- -- Add cube
- local node_id = minetest.get_content_id(node_name)
- local stride = {x=1, y=area.ystride, z=area.zstride}
- local offset = vector.subtract(basepos, area.MinEdge)
- local count = 0
- for z = 0, length-1 do
- local index_z = (offset.z + z) * stride.z + 1 -- +1 for 1-based indexing
- for y = 0, height-1 do
- local index_y = index_z + (offset.y + y) * stride.y
- for x = 0, width-1 do
- local is_wall = z == 0 or z == length-1
- or y == 0 or y == height-1
- or x == 0 or x == width-1
- if not hollow or is_wall then
- local i = index_y + (offset.x + x)
- data[i] = node_id
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- mh.finish(manip, data)
- return count
---- Adds a sphere of `node_name` centered at `pos`.
-function worldedit.sphere(pos, radius, node_name, hollow)
- local manip, area = mh.init_radius(pos, radius)
- local data = mh.get_empty_data(area)
- -- Fill selected area with node
- local node_id = minetest.get_content_id(node_name)
- local min_radius, max_radius = radius * (radius - 1), radius * (radius + 1)
- local offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = pos.x - area.MinEdge.x, pos.y - area.MinEdge.y, pos.z - area.MinEdge.z
- local stride_z, stride_y = area.zstride, area.ystride
- local count = 0
- for z = -radius, radius do
- -- Offset contributed by z plus 1 to make it 1-indexed
- local new_z = (z + offset_z) * stride_z + 1
- for y = -radius, radius do
- local new_y = new_z + (y + offset_y) * stride_y
- for x = -radius, radius do
- local squared = x * x + y * y + z * z
- if squared <= max_radius and (not hollow or squared >= min_radius) then
- -- Position is on surface of sphere
- local i = new_y + (x + offset_x)
- data[i] = node_id
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- mh.finish(manip, data)
- return count
---- Adds a dome.
-function worldedit.dome(pos, radius, node_name, hollow)
- local min_y, max_y = 0, radius
- if radius < 0 then
- radius = -radius
- min_y, max_y = -radius, 0
- end
- local manip, area = mh.init_axis_radius(pos, "y", radius)
- local data = mh.get_empty_data(area)
- -- Add dome
- local node_id = minetest.get_content_id(node_name)
- local min_radius, max_radius = radius * (radius - 1), radius * (radius + 1)
- local offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = pos.x - area.MinEdge.x, pos.y - area.MinEdge.y, pos.z - area.MinEdge.z
- local stride_z, stride_y = area.zstride, area.ystride
- local count = 0
- for z = -radius, radius do
- local new_z = (z + offset_z) * stride_z + 1 --offset contributed by z plus 1 to make it 1-indexed
- for y = min_y, max_y do
- local new_y = new_z + (y + offset_y) * stride_y
- for x = -radius, radius do
- local squared = x * x + y * y + z * z
- if squared <= max_radius and (not hollow or squared >= min_radius) then
- -- Position is in dome
- local i = new_y + (x + offset_x)
- data[i] = node_id
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- mh.finish(manip, data)
- return count
---- Adds a cylinder.
-function worldedit.cylinder(pos, axis, length, radius1, radius2, node_name, hollow)
- local other1, other2 = worldedit.get_axis_others(axis)
- -- Backwards compatibility
- if type(radius2) == "string" then
- hollow = node_name
- node_name = radius2
- radius2 = radius1 -- straight cylinder
- end
- -- Handle negative lengths
- local current_pos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}
- if length < 0 then
- length = -length
- current_pos[axis] = current_pos[axis] - length
- radius1, radius2 = radius2, radius1
- end
- -- Set up voxel manipulator
- local manip, area = mh.init_axis_radius_length(current_pos, axis, math.max(radius1, radius2), length)
- local data = mh.get_empty_data(area)
- -- Add desired shape (anything inbetween cylinder & cone)
- local node_id = minetest.get_content_id(node_name)
- local stride = {x=1, y=area.ystride, z=area.zstride}
- local offset = {
- x = current_pos.x - area.MinEdge.x,
- y = current_pos.y - area.MinEdge.y,
- z = current_pos.z - area.MinEdge.z,
- }
- local count = 0
- for i = 0, length - 1 do
- -- Calulate radius for this "height" in the cylinder
- local radius = radius1 + (radius2 - radius1) * (i + 1) / length
- radius = math.floor(radius + 0.5) -- round
- local min_radius, max_radius = radius * (radius - 1), radius * (radius + 1)
- for index2 = -radius, radius do
- -- Offset contributed by other axis 1 plus 1 to make it 1-indexed
- local new_index2 = (index2 + offset[other1]) * stride[other1] + 1
- for index3 = -radius, radius do
- local new_index3 = new_index2 + (index3 + offset[other2]) * stride[other2]
- local squared = index2 * index2 + index3 * index3
- if squared <= max_radius and (not hollow or squared >= min_radius) then
- -- Position is in cylinder, add node here
- local vi = new_index3 + (offset[axis] + i) * stride[axis]
- data[vi] = node_id
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- mh.finish(manip, data)
- return count
---- Adds a pyramid.
-function worldedit.pyramid(pos, axis, height, node_name, hollow)
- local other1, other2 = worldedit.get_axis_others(axis)
- -- Set up voxel manipulator
- -- FIXME: passing negative <radius> causes mis-sorted pos to be passed
- -- into mh.init() which is technically not allowed but works
- local manip, area = mh.init_axis_radius(pos, axis, height)
- local data = mh.get_empty_data(area)
- -- Handle inverted pyramids
- local step
- if height > 0 then
- height = height - 1
- step = 1
- else
- height = height + 1
- step = -1
- end
- -- Add pyramid
- local node_id = minetest.get_content_id(node_name)
- local stride = {x=1, y=area.ystride, z=area.zstride}
- local offset = {
- x = pos.x - area.MinEdge.x,
- y = pos.y - area.MinEdge.y,
- z = pos.z - area.MinEdge.z,
- }
- local size = math.abs(height * step)
- local count = 0
- -- For each level of the pyramid
- for index1 = 0, height, step do
- -- Offset contributed by axis plus 1 to make it 1-indexed
- local new_index1 = (index1 + offset[axis]) * stride[axis] + 1
- for index2 = -size, size do
- local new_index2 = new_index1 + (index2 + offset[other1]) * stride[other1]
- for index3 = -size, size do
- local i = new_index2 + (index3 + offset[other2]) * stride[other2]
- if (not hollow or size - math.abs(index2) < 2 or size - math.abs(index3) < 2) then
- data[i] = node_id
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- end
- size = size - 1
- end
- mh.finish(manip, data)
- return count
---- Adds a spiral.
-function worldedit.spiral(pos, length, height, spacer, node_name)
- local extent = math.ceil(length / 2)
- local manip, area = mh.init_axis_radius_length(pos, "y", extent, height)
- local data = mh.get_empty_data(area)
- -- Set up variables
- local node_id = minetest.get_content_id(node_name)
- local stride = {x=1, y=area.ystride, z=area.zstride}
- local offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = pos.x - area.MinEdge.x, pos.y - area.MinEdge.y, pos.z - area.MinEdge.z
- local i = offset_z * stride.z + offset_y * stride.y + offset_x + 1
- -- Add first column
- local count = height
- local column = i
- for y = 1, height do
- data[column] = node_id
- column = column + stride.y
- end
- -- Add spiral segments
- local stride_axis, stride_other = stride.x, stride.z
- local sign = -1
- local segment_length = 0
- spacer = spacer + 1
- -- Go through each segment except the last
- for segment = 1, math.floor(length / spacer) * 2 do
- -- Change sign and length every other turn starting with the first
- if segment % 2 == 1 then
- sign = -sign
- segment_length = segment_length + spacer
- end
- -- Fill segment
- for index = 1, segment_length do
- -- Move along the direction of the segment
- i = i + stride_axis * sign
- local column = i
- -- Add column
- for y = 1, height do
- data[column] = node_id
- column = column + stride.y
- end
- end
- count = count + segment_length * height
- stride_axis, stride_other = stride_other, stride_axis -- Swap axes
- end
- -- Add shorter final segment
- sign = -sign
- for index = 1, segment_length do
- i = i + stride_axis * sign
- local column = i
- -- Add column
- for y = 1, height do
- data[column] = node_id
- column = column + stride.y
- end
- end
- count = count + segment_length * height
- mh.finish(manip, data)
- return count
+--- Functions for creating primitive shapes.
+-- @module worldedit.primitives
+local mh = worldedit.manip_helpers
+--- Adds a cube
+-- @param pos Position of ground level center of cube
+-- @param width Cube width. (x)
+-- @param height Cube height. (y)
+-- @param length Cube length. (z)
+-- @param node_name Name of node to make cube of.
+-- @param hollow Whether the cube should be hollow.
+-- @return The number of nodes added.
+function worldedit.cube(pos, width, height, length, node_name, hollow)
+ -- Set up voxel manipulator
+ local basepos = vector.subtract(pos, {x=math.floor(width/2), y=0, z=math.floor(length/2)})
+ local manip, area = mh.init(basepos, vector.add(basepos, {x=width, y=height, z=length}))
+ local data = mh.get_empty_data(area)
+ -- Add cube
+ local node_id = minetest.get_content_id(node_name)
+ local stride = {x=1, y=area.ystride, z=area.zstride}
+ local offset = vector.subtract(basepos, area.MinEdge)
+ local count = 0
+ for z = 0, length-1 do
+ local index_z = (offset.z + z) * stride.z + 1 -- +1 for 1-based indexing
+ for y = 0, height-1 do
+ local index_y = index_z + (offset.y + y) * stride.y
+ for x = 0, width-1 do
+ local is_wall = z == 0 or z == length-1
+ or y == 0 or y == height-1
+ or x == 0 or x == width-1
+ if not hollow or is_wall then
+ local i = index_y + (offset.x + x)
+ data[i] = node_id
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ mh.finish(manip, data)
+ return count
+--- Adds a sphere of `node_name` centered at `pos`.
+-- @param pos Position to center sphere at.
+-- @param radius Sphere radius.
+-- @param node_name Name of node to make shere of.
+-- @param hollow Whether the sphere should be hollow.
+-- @return The number of nodes added.
+function worldedit.sphere(pos, radius, node_name, hollow)
+ local manip, area = mh.init_radius(pos, radius)
+ local data = mh.get_empty_data(area)
+ -- Fill selected area with node
+ local node_id = minetest.get_content_id(node_name)
+ local min_radius, max_radius = radius * (radius - 1), radius * (radius + 1)
+ local offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = pos.x - area.MinEdge.x, pos.y - area.MinEdge.y, pos.z - area.MinEdge.z
+ local stride_z, stride_y = area.zstride, area.ystride
+ local count = 0
+ for z = -radius, radius do
+ -- Offset contributed by z plus 1 to make it 1-indexed
+ local new_z = (z + offset_z) * stride_z + 1
+ for y = -radius, radius do
+ local new_y = new_z + (y + offset_y) * stride_y
+ for x = -radius, radius do
+ local squared = x * x + y * y + z * z
+ if squared <= max_radius and (not hollow or squared >= min_radius) then
+ -- Position is on surface of sphere
+ local i = new_y + (x + offset_x)
+ data[i] = node_id
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ mh.finish(manip, data)
+ return count
+--- Adds a dome.
+-- @param pos Position to center dome at.
+-- @param radius Dome radius. Negative for concave domes.
+-- @param node_name Name of node to make dome of.
+-- @param hollow Whether the dome should be hollow.
+-- @return The number of nodes added.
+-- TODO: Add axis option.
+function worldedit.dome(pos, radius, node_name, hollow)
+ local min_y, max_y = 0, radius
+ if radius < 0 then
+ radius = -radius
+ min_y, max_y = -radius, 0
+ end
+ local manip, area = mh.init_axis_radius(pos, "y", radius)
+ local data = mh.get_empty_data(area)
+ -- Add dome
+ local node_id = minetest.get_content_id(node_name)
+ local min_radius, max_radius = radius * (radius - 1), radius * (radius + 1)
+ local offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = pos.x - area.MinEdge.x, pos.y - area.MinEdge.y, pos.z - area.MinEdge.z
+ local stride_z, stride_y = area.zstride, area.ystride
+ local count = 0
+ for z = -radius, radius do
+ local new_z = (z + offset_z) * stride_z + 1 --offset contributed by z plus 1 to make it 1-indexed
+ for y = min_y, max_y do
+ local new_y = new_z + (y + offset_y) * stride_y
+ for x = -radius, radius do
+ local squared = x * x + y * y + z * z
+ if squared <= max_radius and (not hollow or squared >= min_radius) then
+ -- Position is in dome
+ local i = new_y + (x + offset_x)
+ data[i] = node_id
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ mh.finish(manip, data)
+ return count
+--- Adds a cylinder.
+-- @param pos Position to center base of cylinder at.
+-- @param axis Axis ("x", "y", or "z")
+-- @param length Cylinder length.
+-- @param radius1 Cylinder base radius.
+-- @param radius2 Cylinder top radius.
+-- @param node_name Name of node to make cylinder of.
+-- @param hollow Whether the cylinder should be hollow.
+-- @return The number of nodes added.
+function worldedit.cylinder(pos, axis, length, radius1, radius2, node_name, hollow)
+ local other1, other2 = worldedit.get_axis_others(axis)
+ -- Backwards compatibility
+ if type(radius2) == "string" then
+ hollow = node_name
+ node_name = radius2
+ radius2 = radius1 -- straight cylinder
+ end
+ -- Handle negative lengths
+ local current_pos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}
+ if length < 0 then
+ length = -length
+ current_pos[axis] = current_pos[axis] - length
+ radius1, radius2 = radius2, radius1
+ end
+ -- Set up voxel manipulator
+ local manip, area = mh.init_axis_radius_length(current_pos, axis, math.max(radius1, radius2), length)
+ local data = mh.get_empty_data(area)
+ -- Add desired shape (anything inbetween cylinder & cone)
+ local node_id = minetest.get_content_id(node_name)
+ local stride = {x=1, y=area.ystride, z=area.zstride}
+ local offset = {
+ x = current_pos.x - area.MinEdge.x,
+ y = current_pos.y - area.MinEdge.y,
+ z = current_pos.z - area.MinEdge.z,
+ }
+ local count = 0
+ for i = 0, length - 1 do
+ -- Calulate radius for this "height" in the cylinder
+ local radius = radius1 + (radius2 - radius1) * (i + 1) / length
+ radius = math.floor(radius + 0.5) -- round
+ local min_radius, max_radius = radius * (radius - 1), radius * (radius + 1)
+ for index2 = -radius, radius do
+ -- Offset contributed by other axis 1 plus 1 to make it 1-indexed
+ local new_index2 = (index2 + offset[other1]) * stride[other1] + 1
+ for index3 = -radius, radius do
+ local new_index3 = new_index2 + (index3 + offset[other2]) * stride[other2]
+ local squared = index2 * index2 + index3 * index3
+ if squared <= max_radius and (not hollow or squared >= min_radius) then
+ -- Position is in cylinder, add node here
+ local vi = new_index3 + (offset[axis] + i) * stride[axis]
+ data[vi] = node_id
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ mh.finish(manip, data)
+ return count
+--- Adds a pyramid.
+-- @param pos Position to center base of pyramid at.
+-- @param axis Axis ("x", "y", or "z")
+-- @param height Pyramid height.
+-- @param node_name Name of node to make pyramid of.
+-- @param hollow Whether the pyramid should be hollow.
+-- @return The number of nodes added.
+function worldedit.pyramid(pos, axis, height, node_name, hollow)
+ local other1, other2 = worldedit.get_axis_others(axis)
+ -- Set up voxel manipulator
+ -- FIXME: passing negative <radius> causes mis-sorted pos to be passed
+ -- into mh.init() which is technically not allowed but works
+ local manip, area = mh.init_axis_radius(pos, axis, height)
+ local data = mh.get_empty_data(area)
+ -- Handle inverted pyramids
+ local step
+ if height > 0 then
+ height = height - 1
+ step = 1
+ else
+ height = height + 1
+ step = -1
+ end
+ -- Add pyramid
+ local node_id = minetest.get_content_id(node_name)
+ local stride = {x=1, y=area.ystride, z=area.zstride}
+ local offset = {
+ x = pos.x - area.MinEdge.x,
+ y = pos.y - area.MinEdge.y,
+ z = pos.z - area.MinEdge.z,
+ }
+ local size = math.abs(height * step)
+ local count = 0
+ -- For each level of the pyramid
+ for index1 = 0, height, step do
+ -- Offset contributed by axis plus 1 to make it 1-indexed
+ local new_index1 = (index1 + offset[axis]) * stride[axis] + 1
+ for index2 = -size, size do
+ local new_index2 = new_index1 + (index2 + offset[other1]) * stride[other1]
+ for index3 = -size, size do
+ local i = new_index2 + (index3 + offset[other2]) * stride[other2]
+ if (not hollow or size - math.abs(index2) < 2 or size - math.abs(index3) < 2) then
+ data[i] = node_id
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ size = size - 1
+ end
+ mh.finish(manip, data)
+ return count
+--- Adds a spiral.
+-- @param pos Position to center spiral at.
+-- @param length Spral length.
+-- @param height Spiral height.
+-- @param spacer Space between walls.
+-- @param node_name Name of node to make spiral of.
+-- @return Number of nodes added.
+-- TODO: Add axis option.
+function worldedit.spiral(pos, length, height, spacer, node_name)
+ local extent = math.ceil(length / 2)
+ local manip, area = mh.init_axis_radius_length(pos, "y", extent, height)
+ local data = mh.get_empty_data(area)
+ -- Set up variables
+ local node_id = minetest.get_content_id(node_name)
+ local stride = {x=1, y=area.ystride, z=area.zstride}
+ local offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = pos.x - area.MinEdge.x, pos.y - area.MinEdge.y, pos.z - area.MinEdge.z
+ local i = offset_z * stride.z + offset_y * stride.y + offset_x + 1
+ -- Add first column
+ local count = height
+ local column = i
+ for y = 1, height do
+ data[column] = node_id
+ column = column + stride.y
+ end
+ -- Add spiral segments
+ local stride_axis, stride_other = stride.x, stride.z
+ local sign = -1
+ local segment_length = 0
+ spacer = spacer + 1
+ -- Go through each segment except the last
+ for segment = 1, math.floor(length / spacer) * 2 do
+ -- Change sign and length every other turn starting with the first
+ if segment % 2 == 1 then
+ sign = -sign
+ segment_length = segment_length + spacer
+ end
+ -- Fill segment
+ for index = 1, segment_length do
+ -- Move along the direction of the segment
+ i = i + stride_axis * sign
+ local column = i
+ -- Add column
+ for y = 1, height do
+ data[column] = node_id
+ column = column + stride.y
+ end
+ end
+ count = count + segment_length * height
+ stride_axis, stride_other = stride_other, stride_axis -- Swap axes
+ end
+ -- Add shorter final segment
+ sign = -sign
+ for index = 1, segment_length do
+ i = i + stride_axis * sign
+ local column = i
+ -- Add column
+ for y = 1, height do
+ data[column] = node_id
+ column = column + stride.y
+ end
+ end
+ count = count + segment_length * height
+ mh.finish(manip, data)
+ return count