#8 Ivy/haswell common and X230 updated docs.

vimuser 1 commit egyesítve innen: shmalebx9/dev ide: osboot/master ekkor: 2 éve
shmalebx9 hozzászólt 2 éve

All of the docs are good for an x230 install. The ivy/haswell common docs now explain all of the relevant information for preparing a rom.

My PR on osbwww-img will need to be merged for photos on the x230 docs as well.

All of the docs are good for an x230 install. The ivy/haswell common docs now explain all of the relevant information for preparing a rom. My PR on osbwww-img will need to be merged for photos on the x230 docs as well.
vimuser lezárta ekkor: 2 éve
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