A Minimalistic PicoCMS Theme centered around Tags

ohnonot ae3352aa5f added shadows to images and a noshadow class, also more border to blockquote 10 mesi fa
content-base fd02697260 more changes in the wake of the recent color theme change 4 anni fa
css ae3352aa5f added shadows to images and a noshadow class, also more border to blockquote 10 mesi fa
includes 342ffd71e8 accumulated changes 1 anno fa
res 342ffd71e8 accumulated changes 1 anno fa
.gitignore 66d9310773 accumulated changes 1 anno fa
404.twig 342ffd71e8 accumulated changes 1 anno fa
LICENSE b4a9223951 First commit 5 anni fa
README.md 0af67db18f fix screenshots 10 mesi fa
authors.twig ed61835e27 The Big Commit 2 anni fa
feed.twig a55a52d02e fixed feed 1 anno fa
index.twig 342ffd71e8 accumulated changes 1 anno fa
page.twig a911c011fe many styling changes and hopefully no regressions... 4 anni fa
pico-theme.yml 1081ed85f5 fiddling 2 anni fa
post.twig ed61835e27 The Big Commit 2 anni fa
search.twig ed61835e27 The Big Commit 2 anni fa
tags.twig ed61835e27 The Big Commit 2 anni fa


TagBlog Theme

This Pico CMS blog theme is centered around a tag list/cloud - other means of navigation, apart from a manually built menu, have not been considered (although posts can be listed/clouded by authors, too).

It is minimal and privacy respecting - no javascript, no 3rd-party resources, simple yet functional CSS design without animations or rounded corners etc.

It's also responsive, a.k.a. mobile friendly.

Colors can be customised through YAML config files. Some color-*.yml files are included.

It was originally based on the NotePaper theme, but has been largely rewritten to focus on the one aspect that was most important to me. I believe that tagblog runs lighter than the original NotePaper.
Both the original NotePaper and TagBlog are licensed GPL3.


Default theme

Color variations

tagblog desert tagblog solarized


Mobile 3-in-1


TagBlog can be found in two locations:



Change to your Pico installation's themes directory:

$ cd <your pico install>/themes

Clone this repository:

$ git clone https://<notabug or framagit>.org/ohnonot/tagblog

You can also download the .zip, but make sure the folder structure remains intact.
In the end you should have this README.md, all twig templates and subfolders in <your pico install>/themes/tagblog/.

The folder tagblog/content-base contains important files without which tagblog cannot function (and also an example article that can be deleted). Copy them into your content folder.

Copy res/tagblog.yml to your Pico CMS installation's config folder:

$ cd <your pico install>/config && cp ../themes/tagblog/res/tagblog.yml .

Add the following line to <your pico install>/config/config.yml:

theme: tagblog

Usage & Configuration

<your pico install>/config/tagblog.yml

is fairly straightforward and self-explanatory.

Other configuration happens in your markdown articles' YAML headers or through copying/symlinking files.


The includes folder contains some *.twig.example files. index.twig looks for their *.twig equivalents to include some customisable building blocks into the page layout.

Start with e.g. this:

cd includes && cp footer.twig.example footer.twig

Now you can edit footer.twig to customise your blog's footer.

Once again, this is done to ensure that the git repository is not affected when you start editing files. In other words, any file inside that folder ending in .twig will be ignored by git.

Tags and other YAML metadata

The theme is fully centered around tags.

Make sure your markdown articles include a valid tags: (case insensitive) line in their YAML headers. A valid header might look like this:

Title: Load bash builtin from file
Author: ohnonot
Date: 27.02.2018
Timeline: 01.01.2018, older dates...
Description: A sort of subtitle, a short explanation
Excerpt: If you don't want to use automatic excerpt generation you can write some text here.
Tags: linux,bash
Template: post

Tags are separated by commas. An article that doesn't have a Tags: line (or commented out like #Tags:) will not show up in the tag cloud/list, not in search results and not in the list of all posts. It can still be accessed with its direct page URL.

My blog posts all use the post template, and are all thrown in one big folder. They can be grouped in subfolders, but the tagblog theme has no way of representing that (the page URL will represent that though).

In config/tagblog.yml, taglist and tagcloud are different designs to show the same clickable lists of tags.

There are two useful views to sort posts:

  • tags: list articles containing a given tag. This view is accessible by clicking on a tag, either on the sidebar taglist or in a post header.
  • authors: list articles written by a given author. This view is accessible by clicking on an author name in a post header.

Automatic Styling

If this theme finds the configuration tablog.colors set to a string it will try to find a corresponding CSS file in its folders and add its contents to the HTML. Precedence in this order, first found will be applied:

  • {{ theme_url }}/css/generated/custom-{{ colors }}.css
  • {{ theme_url }}/css/custom-{{ colors }}.css
  • {{ theme_url }}/css/generated/{{ colors }}.css
  • {{ theme_url }}/css/{{ colors }}.css

Currently all the shipped stylesheets in css/generated do is declare the CSS variables --base00 through --base0f for the :root context. These colors are then applied in css/style.css, the main stylesheet.

The idea is that e.g. plugins can also use these colors (e.g. PicoPygments), resulting in a unified look.


As the names of the variables suggest they should adhere to the Base16 Styling Guidelines.

Extra CSS styles

index.twig will also add an extra stylesheet if

  • it finds a file named custom.css inside the css folder of the theme.
    This is meant for CSS overrides that apply to all pages.
  • it finds the variable css_extra: set to a valid string in the YAML header.
    This is to be an absolute path from Pico's base_url,e.g.:
    css_extra: /assets/nested-quotes-are-not-quotes.css will add this line to index.twig's header:
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ base_url }}/assets/nested-quotes-are-not-quotes.css" type="text/css" />

All in all, CSS is applied in this order, all inside the <head> section:

  1. As link: {{ theme_url }}/css/style.css
  2. Inline: applies colors colors from config.yml
  3. Inline: {{ theme_url }}/css/custom.css if it exists
  4. As link: css_extra, if the page's yaml specifies it


You can also add a feed to your site. To do that, in the feed dict, set enabled to true. If you wish that feed entries contain your entire post and not only the first lines, set content to true.

Only pages that have both Tags and Date metadata will be added to the feed.


If you are using the p01contact PicoCMS plugin (my fork), theme colors will affect the contact page, too. In addition, I recommend replacing the plugin's own style.css with the version provided in this repository (themes/tagblog/css/PicoContact-style.css).


The git repository ignores any file containing the string custom in its name. This ensures that the git project can remain untouched and you can easily git pull if there are updates.


You should be familiar with the concepts of PicoCMS.

For deeper understanding I recommend to get familiar with Twig templating.

Please open an issue in any of the two repositories if you think you found something that should be fixed, or improved.