cbbl 18 KB

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  2. corenominal: "As always, there is definitely lots of room for improvement."
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  4. Awebb: "Ooh... I fell for a meme :-D"
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  6. Awebb: "I'm so meta, even this acronym"
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  8. Forthy: "(HoaS previously answered: Not at all but isn't it elegant?) - If you said that out loud in Anthony Head's voice it would be the actual finest reply to anything ever."
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  10. Awebb: I salute the nifty implications behind your curtain of irony.
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  12. Awebb: Since when is "Linux" part of some sort of popularity contest?
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  14. Awebb: Your box will die of kernel cancer!
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  16. Awebb: Command and Conky was the 90's, baby
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  18. Awebb: Hey, you successfully hijacked a thread! And noone sends you death wishes. Is this a nice place to stay or what?
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  20. Awebb: "Hey Awebb, where is your sense of humor?" you can't see it cuz it's cloaked as cynism.
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  22. Awebb: Your innocence and purity almost qualifies you as a sacrafice for the dragon that keeps attacking our village.
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  24. Awebb: Some call it nightly build, others call it mine field.
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  26. Awebb: I wanna be deep without sounding deep. I wanna be like a city pigeon - dirty but able to fly.
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  28. Awebb: I have to admit that I use Windows boxes when work has to be done quickly. On any linux device, I tend to start tinkering with scripts and software, instead of using the tools I allready know to accomplish my goals.
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  30. Awebb: Is finding out where the challenge is part of the challenge?
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  32. Awebb: We have Debian in three flavors: old, rusty and stale.
  33. %
  34. Awebb: Three completely distinct sentences in a paragraph, no facts, no conclusions. You are either very good in creating controversy or very bad in trolling.
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  36. Awebb: Nice work. This is why we love Linux. It starts with "I wonder..." and ends with hard work.
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  38. Awebb: This word "user-friendly" is used so often as if there was any common sense behind it.
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  40. Awebb: I thought this is about swearing using programming languages. Go fsck yourself.
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  42. Awebb: If you don't mind performance and the lack of elegance, you can pipe your initial commands behind each other.
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  44. machinebacon: Hello and welcome again to the damned forums, can you please post the shitty output of...
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  46. bwat47: Awesome, I have to copy 100 gigs of music back over because slim is junk.
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  48. el_koraco: I think OP has already moved to Arch.
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  50. nathwill: i'm damn impressed. this thread is every bit as balls-numbingly epic as the f'ing title suggested. (The thread title was "Crunchbang slaughtered my data partition", later also known as "Slim ate my music")
  51. %
  52. gutterslob: Great... now the legislators are going to invent some newfangled law that forbids us normal folk from installing operating systems while driving.
  53. I see a new, albeit somewhat niche market for hands-free OS install kits.
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  55. gutterslob: I left a comment on the page, typos included >__<
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  57. gutterslob: Happy GNU Year, my crunchies!!
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  59. gutterslob: - talking about the coming of #! 9.10 - Yeah, it'll probably be like Woodstock (minus the smell and the dandruff)
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  61. gutterslob about themselves on dA: Just remember to say it was done by "Some Random Drunken Minimalist Hobo"
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  63. gutterslob about their motorbike: She's rather materialistic and goes to flirt with my mechanic when she's mad. Bought her some nice carbon and titanium jewellery to keep her happy.
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  65. gutterslob: Me... all of me... giving my legendary pout while trying to look shy...
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  67. gutterslob: Openbox was never dead... it's just too cool to waste its time playing tag with the other WM and DE kids.
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  69. gutterslob: It's cute, but I don't really like cows.... they're slow and fart too much (the lawmakers should have banned cows instead of 2-stroke motorcycles!!) Try making one with a nimble, speedy animal (since #! is all about lightweight and speed).... maybe a cheetah or a mongoose
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  71. gutterslob: That looks rather biohazardous!... in a good way, I mean.
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  73. ohnonot: you ever heard a french dj saying eurythmics? - hhh: No, but when I do life will finally have meaning to it.
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  75. johnraff: I switched to Linux in ~2005 when Microsoft dropped support for W98. The "moment" came about 6 months from then, when I suddenly realized that the software was on my side. On Windows I always seemed to be trying to get round what the system, and apps, were trying to make me do.
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  77. antiv0rtex: I'm a teenager, and I certainly appreciate automatically-updating menus. Age is irrelevant.
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  79. ohnonot: yes, i totally agree with that, but no, this is not the problem here.
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  81. ohnonot: don't just connect to any passerby wifi. internet slut gets internet syphilis.
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  83. photonucleon: Not to be pedantic or nitpicking or just generally really nerdy... nore: What's wrong with that?
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  85. corenominal: I struggle to pronounce my forum name. gutterslob: So do we. That's why we call you Papanom. Rhymes with poppadom, so it also works up an appetite.
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  87. kbmonkey: kay-bee mun-kee - for 'keyboard' or 'keybored', depending on the eddy currents in the upper atmosphere.
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  89. pvsage: Mine is pronounced as two initials + a cooking herb: p v seɪdʒ
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  91. pa$$word: Well, you lot use Arch. I bleed enough on Debian stable.
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  93. brontosaurusrex:
  94. About the xy problem: "User doesn't know how to do X, but thinks they can fumble their way to a solution if they can just manage to do Y."
  95. I don't really find that particularity interesting or funny, I would call that the default human behavior and the solution (when found) will:
  96. - prevent future me to behave in the same way, so in itself is a (long-term) solution.
  97. - doing Y did a lot of important discoveries (where X was declared uninteresting at the end)
  98. - doing Y will/may raise common know-how
  99. - doing Y will prevent dogmatic (single book) behaviors
  100. - the direct solution to X (generally accepted dogma) may be so stupid, that it actually needs a better way with Y in between
  101. - I could find a lot more here
  102. Conclusion: xy problem does need a rewrite, since it misses the actual problem, heh
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  104. nore: now I can leave yet another (new!) axe behind the dresser and sit in my rocking chair by the fire playing with conky.
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  106. Sector11: My forgetter is getting worse; that's good.
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  108. glittersloth: What?! No coloured WASD keys? The dudebro-murica-fuck-yeah gamers would tar and feather you!!
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  110. glittersloth: Was that your kidney stone I just heard?
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  112. pa$$word: Arch Linux has a prettier website (than debian). Apart from that they're the same.
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  114. Panda: What can I say... I'm an American and grammatically disabled. ¤
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  116. ohnonot: what is it with terminal output that people seem to forget their ability to read? there's a reason for that output, and there's a reason that it's not in hex code, but in english.
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  118. glittersloth: Think I need to lay off the Mad Max references for a bit. Everyone around me seems so uptight these days.
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  120. nore: re-writing the sub-forums:
  121. Basic help & support: "Don't panic."
  122. System administration: "That quite definitely is the answer. I think the problem, to be quite honest with you, is that you've never actually known what the question is."
  123. Topics Going Nowhere: "Resistance is futile."
  124. Kernel & hardware: "WE APOLOGISE FOR THE INCONVENIENCE"
  125. Off Topic: "There was a point to this story, but it has temporarily escaped the chronicler's mind."
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  127. glittersloth: Think it's bad now?! Just wait till the self-driving cars come along with driving skills "machine learned" from American soccer-moms and English footballers.
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  129. Sundaise: Can't get anything to work but I'm loving the experience!
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  131. nore: Modern UI: more wasted space on smaller and continually shrinking screens.
  132. "If you want to proceed, hit the screen with your fist."
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  134. Hegel: We learn from bash history that we do not learn from bash history.
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  136. twoion: So I wasn't wrong with my impression that hot coffee is always hot enough to reflow circuit boards :^)
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  138. Bearded_Blunder: When debian say "older machines" they mean "ancient".
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  140. pvsage: How hard did you facepalm when she said it? I think I might have broken my nose.
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  142. pvsage: If someone can point me to a study on touch typing with virtual keyboards that shows a better wpm vs. tpyo rate (typo intentional) over physical keyboards, please point me to it and I'll gladly buy a hat so that I can eat my hat.
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  144. Sector11: Guys guys... please. Sit back and OHM OHM OHM!
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  146. lowrider: dd'd the wrong drive, gone a sh**load of photos. No talkin for 2 weeks and no sex for 6 weeks. Does that count?
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  148. vrkalak: Posting this more for me so it is easy to find after Alzheimer's, Old Fart Disease, CRS, and Dementia kicks in later.
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  150. pvsage: I suspect that 1/n of a rocket ship would be more power than a full potato.
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  152. ohnonot: fork, fork, fork! the miraculous feeding of the multitude!
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  154. nore: Losing Xscreensaver is not a loss. It belongs to the not-so-glorious past like a colorful 90's shell suit.
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  156. Sector11: You are better than the nano man page!
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  158. pvsage: Agreed. Let's put them back in our pants, guys, none of us are impressing anyone.
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  160. pvsage about another quote in this repo: Nah, leave it in; just knowing it's there will serve as a reminder to watch what I post.
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  162. Head_on_a_Stick: In Debian we trust!
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  164. hhh: I want a beverage that makes my teeth look like dirt and my farts smell like death had a bad day.
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  166. pvsage: A clean reinstall is good for the soul.
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  168. damo: sudo apt-get install -t silly-backports brainremover
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  170. glittersloth: I blame GTK3.
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  172. glittersloth: So that's where your avatar is from?! I always thought it was some canister for those fancy new brands of cannabis they sell in legalized US states.
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  174. corenominal: P.S. I hope nobody takes any cues from me, ever.
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  176. glittersloth: I think the idea of the Olympics has been long dead and sport should be sponsored by cigarette and alcohol companies. I'd at least remember your face if you were in Lucky Strike leathers.
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  178. ohnonot: "cloud era"... blahblah blah blah...
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  180. pvsage about sexynsmartjenny: Wait - she knows 4chan memes? I think I smell a trap.
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  182. wuxmedia: Girls... hmm - maybe a typo - Isn't that a gnome-shell dependency?
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  184. anonymous typo: That makes it feel very much like Win 7/10, if that is your analagy.
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  186. vrkalak: For my heart, the doctor told me to walk 3 miles every day - that was 2 years ago - now, I don't know where the heck I am.
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  188. Head_on_a_Stick: Perhaps Putin does not fear the wrath of RMS should he violate the GPL.
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  190. pvsage: "In Capitalist Russia, system operates you!"
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  192. mrpeachy: Ah yes, its one of those really strange leap years when February has 56 days! Nothing wrong with the code at all!
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  194. BLwillbegreat!: Now I'm going to have to Google about hamster balls. You know how many adult websites that's probably going to bring up?!
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  196. damo: And NEVER do a search on a work computer for "gimp mask"!
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  198. martix: BunsenLabs - the slogan free Debian based OS. Hmm, wait...
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  200. hhh: You need to add ktchen_snk=1 (List of silly kernel parameters)
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  202. o9000: messing with init is risky. Worst case, it breaks your system, you lose your data including all the family pics and you end up divorced and lonely.
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  204. hhh: Maybe Disney has gotten hip enough that they won't mind their character quoting awebb. (bringing back the fortune pop-ups feat. Beaker)
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  206. Sektor11: You can stick a Lamborghini logo on a VW Bug, but it's still a VW Bug even if you call it a Lamborghini!
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  208. Head_on_a_Stick: I've now made more U-turns in this thread than Theresa May...
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  210. Head_on_a_Stick: anyway I just copied that bit from the ArchWiki
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  212. Head_on_a_Stick: Disclaimer: I don't really know the exact nature of this "Whatsapp" and I can't be bothered looking it up.
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  214. glittersloth: I know that anyone who demands I have one of these revolting messenger apps is someone who I won't have a lasting business or personal relationship with anyway. --- Yeah, I know wearing a condom while having sex with a leper isn't much good, but that's all you can do when everyone in your stinking city has the disease.
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  216. o9000: I don't see myself as technologically illiterate, although it might appear that way sometimes; I blame the software and the computers for all such problems.
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  218. Bearded_Blunder: Maybe I'm a minority, to me a terminal is a terminal, is a terminal... you type shit in, make mistakes and the shit hits the fan.. for all of me you could default to xterm.
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  220. mariannemarlow: Bunsenlabs is not my husband. I am allowed to shop around!
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  222. damo: I just had a look at my thesis - I think someone else, who was very clever, must have written it.
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  224. Head_on_a_Stick: It is well worth remembering that the term "free" was invented by somebody who was trying to sell something.
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  226. ohnonot: never press OK without reading the TOC! (quoting south park)
  227. glittersloth: and that's why most companies have TOCs as long as an unabridged Tolstoy novel.
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  229. Head_on_a_Stick: Our only way of escaping the abhorrent capricious cruelty endemic to our baryonic universe is to convert as much of it as possible to computronium and transfer to a virtual paradise.
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  231. pvsage: Thread derailment split from derailed thread. (babblewars)
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  233. voids: [crackers were] mocking me and breaking obvious stuff and laughing at my lack of skillz
  234. martix: Oh, and I've been thinking that's standard behavior of all linux based operating systems.
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  236. *tube.com/watch?v=17Vh5eAexMU: So it looks a lil green, this is the Helium!
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  238. grapefruit: Just delete stuff until your system breaks, then go back one!
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  240. hhh: I deleted some personal items last night, now I have to pee out of a tube. I mean, I did before too, but now it's a plastic tube.
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  242. glittersloth: I always figured quotable posts on this forum were like morning wood - a daily occurrence.
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  244. hhh: Holy derivatives, Batman!
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  246. glittersloth: Because "perfect for hot summer afternoon" could mean different things to different people. Some folk like stuff with field recordings of a rainforest full of drunk frogs and horny cicadas, in order to drown in their own sweat. Others like cooler wintery sounds with the drone of an a/c compressor unit in the background to help offset the heat, or bask in denial at the very least.
  247. %
  248. debian-user ML: You ought to know Murphy's Law of the Internet by now: nothing posted to the Internet ever goes away . . . . unless you're looking for it.
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  250. Linus T.: Maybe I can get an email filter in place so that when I send email with curse-words, they just won't go out.
  251. Because hey, I'm a big believer in tools, and at least some problems going forward might be improved with simple automation.
  252. %
  253. twoion: Linux is running on medical equipment, phones people need to call 911 with, cars, aircraft, hazardous industrial plants, and probably a toilet somewhere. Feelings don't matter there.
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  255. BL anniversary: 3 years of security updates, and counting. Eat that, Android OEMs!!
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  257. johnraff: I don't think it's cool to sneer at people who are trying to make a better world, but there's nothing better about a world where people are attacked for their supposed thoughts.
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  259. glittersloth: No worries. Initially had a lot to say, but decided to channel my inner ZFG instead.
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  261. BLizgreat!: I've been using ubuntu for 3 months dang it, I won't be treated this way !!!
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  263. Bearded_Blunder: Well x-enduser is typically cautions, a few are wayland though and dive right in, they're hard to console when their system breaks but I tty.
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  265. S7.L: I could not go back to IE - it would send me over the Edge.
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  267. How brontosaurusrex introduces people to Linux: I tend to do a short GNU philosophy session (showing pictures of Stallman and Torvalds), especially pointing out that this is a HTML5 presentation and not Powerpoint. And the importance of free software. The questions are usually in the area of: will it run Photoshop faster?
  268. %
  269. ohnonot: When you have removed all choice and created a uniform system that can be used in one way only, when you have taken that freedom from the developers, too, that's when Linux becomes ready for mass adoption.
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  271. Bearded_Blunder: I have watched as it goes, & no amount of persuasion, presentations, arguments etc. are going to cause me to like it, any more than they'll make me like avacados (taste like soap), & don't care if the chef did spend many hours carving them into sailing ships, or how dedicated & talented he's alleged to be, avacados are still nasty & so is systemd.
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  273. corenominal: No, my mouse finger got hacked. It was a total nightmare. TCP port 79 has a lot to answer for. Yes.
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  275. Bearded_Blunder: Making it work is a learning experience, not something to expect to just work right off.
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  277. nore: Kill the mouse! Panels are for looking, not clicking.
  278. %
  279. nore: Don't worry, the community is prepared to annoy you back by
  280. - showing screenshots and setups that look great on their desktops but for some weird reason not on your own;
  281. - showing how they use sofisticated software you never knew existed but now start wanting to learn to master;
  282. - expecting you to formulate your question in a clever way, when you really don't know what and why you are actually asking;
  283. - asking you to read tons of manuals and offering a multitude of solutions every time you ask a question you think is only short and simple;
  284. - derailing and shooting every thread you start in outer space.
  285. In short, the community is so helpful that in times you almost can't stand it.
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  287. glittersloth: ...I knew diddly-jack-squat about recent hardware. Totally out of touch and dangerously confused, like a white supremacist who isn't white.
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  289. brontosaurusrex: Also what people forget is that active politics requires enormous know-how about rules, documents, ways to navigate that mess, legal issues, various unknowns. Also a lot more time than one would think to make at least half-decent decisions (just to later realize that they were actually legally wrongly worded, or one is just over-voted). And if everything clicks perfectly the results are usually as tiny as if an ant would try to save the Titanic.
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  291. glittersloth: The documentation reads like it was written by a subcontracted marketing firm. I've read everything and understand nothing!
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  293. cog: Somehow my stupid iPhone double posted. It’s probably not Tim Cook’s fault but just good old PEBTAB, problem exist between touchscreen and beer.
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  295. TeoBigusGeekus about git: Evil, wicked, satanic, brilliant!
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