Personal *nix configuration files

Noah Frederick 10646d9128 [Vim] Guard against notes plug-in not installed 2 years ago
alacritty ad6165ab35 [Alacritty] Use Victor Mono font 2 years ago
bash 4c068077f2 [General] Move user bin location 5 years ago
emacs cc5e4aa751 [Emacs] Revamp use-package configuration 3 years ago
firefox c78719774d [Firefox] Disable recommended extensions spam 4 years ago
fish 3b62997425 [Fish] Use Neovim as default agenda UI 2 years ago
git ae67ef1fd4 [Vim] Ignore directory-local init file 2 years ago
guard a0fd383c57 [Guard] Add Guard template for Vim plug-in dev 7 years ago
hammerspoon 9aa7759110 [Hammerspoon] Switch browser to LibreWolf 2 years ago
pandoc ddf8e9e26c [Pandoc] Include booktabs package in template 6 years ago
readline 9d9cfb0343 [General] Move everything into subdirs 8 years ago
task d69f50434f [Task] Color completed tasks cyan 3 years ago
tmux 14c4f826d6 [Tmux] Color active window number 2 years ago
vim 10646d9128 [Vim] Guard against notes plug-in not installed 2 years ago
youtube-dl 207ff8dc94 [YTDL] Add configuration file 6 years ago 1aaaadfb67 [General] Update README 5 years ago

Personal configuration files for Unix-like systems

The repository's structure mimics the contents of XDG_CONFIG_HOME (e.g., fish/ corresponds to ~/.config/fish/



What? Neovim is a free, cross-platform text editor based on Vim.

Why? It is infinitely extensible and has an elegant modal editing model. I use Neovim for all text-editing purposes including note-taking and programming, and also as a pager.


What? Emacs is a free, cross-platform text editor, mail client, news reader, organizer, and more. It does not take the streamlined, minimalistic approach that (Neo)Vim does, but it can be made to emulate Vim.

Why? I keep Emacs around exclusively for Org mode. See my file for more.


What? fish is a user-friendly command line shell.

Why? The project is guided by a principled set of design guidelines. The result is a shell with a consistent scripting language, deep extensibility, and virtually no configuration required.


What? Tmux is a popular terminal multiplexer.

Why? My workflow revolves around disposable sessions, each having a one-to-one correspondence to a project. Switching tasks involves switching sessions. I can freely destroy and recreate sessions for particular projects via Tmuxinator.