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- Q: what about qeueuing?
- A: yes
- Several operations may finish slowly, so they have to be queued. At the heart
- there is a wait job queue with one file for each job still due.
- app/var/spool/jobs/wait/2023-03-13T012345Z.5abf8.12.job
- The date is the time until which th job is postponed, hash is over the unique job properties, the number is
- how many tries there have been before. The file content is immutable.
- Retries double the waiting time each time and timeout after one week. Starting
- with a 1-minute wait that's 13 tries.
- Example calculation: Advertise a post to 10k followers - doing 10k sequential
- jobs each taking 2s is 20ks or 5.5h.
- The queue health (it should be all empty) is displayed as part of the housekeeping
- Web UI. File counts, time slots for wait.
- Queue processing is triggered by
- - loop until no more job in new
- - sleeping forks (until next one)
- - logged in web interaction
- - endpoint with auth token (monitoring)
- There should not be more than 1 sleeping fork, however => app/var/lock/job
- Only jobs entering err log an INFO.
- Q: How to ensure loss-safe retries? How/where to store retry counter?
- http://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html
- - in the filename? duplicate jobs possible
- - in the job? otherwise unchanged payload rewrites and timing issues.
- API evtl. https://salmon-mail.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_modules/salmon/queue.html