Marcus Rohrmoser mro
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Personal Social Web.

Updated 1 day ago

Hugo sources for my personal blog.

Updated 7 months ago

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self-reliantly posting on the #Fediverse with painless hosting and security in mind. 1. Rent any web space from EUR 2 monthly with a domain-name as your enduring digital property (e.g. …

Updated 8 months ago

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#Geohash OCaml

Updated 1 year ago

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tweaked hugo theme

Updated 1 year ago

Record internet radio broadcasts and turn them into RSS feeds (podcasts) with a raspberry pi a.k.a. raspi (or any other debian-like box)

Updated 1 year ago

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The iOS 9+ share extension for Shaarli. Once ShaarliOS, now #Shaarli…

Updated 2 years ago

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Generate word combinations like in

Updated 2 years ago

Eric van der Vlist's excellent RELAX NG textbook, with sources.

Updated 3 years ago

Static web photo galleries from local image files. Ready to be subscribed as standards compliant photo feed.

Updated 3 years ago

improved SQLite RDF triple store for Redland librdf

Updated 4 years ago

Pure functionaλ successor of the minimalist sebsauvage-shaarli.

Updated 4 years ago

Aaron Swartz’s: A Programmable Web. An Unfinished Work.

Updated 4 years ago

C and Objective C math and geometry helpers

Updated 4 years ago