123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109 |
- (*
- * route_test.ml
- *
- * Created by Marcus Rohrmoser on 16.05.20.
- * Copyright © 2020-2021 Marcus Rohrmoser mobile Software http://mro.name/~me. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *)
- open Lib.Route
- let test_qs () =
- assert (
- match coord_from_qs "q=1.2,3.4" with Ok (1.2, 3.4) -> true | _ -> false);
- assert (
- match coord_from_qs "q=geo%3A47.5440%2C15.4396%3Fz%3D12" with
- | Ok (47.5440, 15.4396) -> true
- | _ -> false);
- match coord_from_qs "q=1.u2 , ; 3.4" with
- | Error (`NoMatch (_, original)) -> assert (original != "")
- | _ -> assert false
- let test_deg () =
- (*
- let la, lo =
- "q=47.427%C2%B0,+13.059%C2%B0" |> coord_from_qs |> Result.get_ok
- in
- Printf.printf "test_deg %f, %f" la lo;
- *)
- assert (Ok (47.427, 13.059) = ("q=47.427%C2%B0,+13.059%C2%B0" |> coord_from_qs));
- (* assert (Ok (47.427, 13.059) = ("q=47.427°, 13.059°" |> coord_from_qs)); *)
- (* assert (
- Ok (47.5440, 15.4396) = ("q=47° 25′ 37″ N, 13° 3′ 32″ O" |> coord_from_qs)); *)
- let la, lo =
- "q=47%C2%B0+25%E2%80%B2+37%E2%80%B3+N,+13%C2%B0+3%E2%80%B2+32%E2%80%B3+O"
- |> coord_from_qs |> Result.get_ok
- in
- (* Printf.printf "%f,%f\n" la lo; *)
- assert (47.427 -. la < 1e-1);
- assert (13.059 -. lo < 1e-1);
- let la', lo' =
- "q=47%C2%B0+25%E2%80%B2+37.2%E2%80%B3+N,+13%C2%B0+3%E2%80%B2+32.4%E2%80%B3+E"
- |> coord_from_qs |> Result.get_ok
- in
- (* Printf.printf "%f,%f\n" la' lo'; *)
- assert (47.427 -. la' < 1e-1);
- assert (13.059 -. lo' < 1e-1);
- assert true
- let test_deg_min_sec () =
- let open Tyre in
- let dms =
- let ws = pcre "( |\t|\\+|%20)*" in
- conv
- (fun ((d, (m, s)), he) ->
- let si = match he with "S" | "W" -> -1. | _ -> 1.
- and d' = d
- and m' = m
- and s' = s in
- si *. (d' +. ((m' +. (s' /. 60.)) /. 60.)))
- (fun v ->
- let si = if v < 0. then -1. else 1. in
- let d' = v *. si in
- let d = d' |> floor in
- let dr = d' -. d in
- let m' = dr *. 60. in
- let m = m' |> floor in
- let mr' = m' -. m in
- let se = mr' *. 60. in
- ((d, (m, se)), if si < 0. then "S" else "N"))
- (float <* pcre "°" <* ws
- <&> (float <* pcre "′" <* ws <&> (float <* pcre "″" <* ws))
- <&> pcre "[NSEW]")
- |> compile
- in
- let x = "47° 25′ 37″ N" |> exec dms |> Result.get_ok in
- (* Printf.printf "%f" x; *)
- assert (47.426944 -. x < 1.e-16);
- let x' = "47° 25′ 37″ E" |> exec dms |> Result.get_ok in
- (* Printf.printf "%f" x'; *)
- assert (47.426944 -. x' < 1.e-16)
- let test_2023_07 () =
- let la, lo =
- "q=53%C2%B0+01%27+48%22+N%2C+13%C2%B0+18%27+27%22+E"
- |> coord_from_qs |> Result.get_ok
- in
- la |> Assert2.equals_float "route test_2023_07" 1e-9 47.427;
- lo |> Assert2.equals_float "route test_2023_07" 1e-9 13.059;
- assert true
- let () =
- test_qs ();
- test_deg ();
- test_deg_min_sec ();
- test_2023_07 ();
- assert true