123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
- (*
- * Parse path and Query string
- *
- * We have either a
- *
- * path: /<geohash>/<format>
- * or
- * query_string: ?q=<lat><sep><lon>
- *)
- module P = struct
- open Tyre
- let ws = pcre "( |\t|\\+|%20)*"
- let deg_min_sec =
- conv
- (fun ((d, (m, s)), he) ->
- let si = match he with
- | "S" | "W" -> -1.
- | _ -> 1.
- and d' = d
- and m' = m
- and s' = s in
- si *. (d' +. ((m' +. (s' /. 60.)) /. 60.)))
- (fun v ->
- let si = if v < 0. then -1. else 1. in
- let d' = v *. si in
- let d = d' |> floor in
- let dr = d' -. d in
- let m' = dr *. 60. in
- let m = m' |> floor in
- let mr' = m' -. m in
- let se = mr' *. 60. in
- ((d, (m, se)), if si < 0. then "S" else "N"))
- (float <* pcre "°|%C2%B0" <* ws
- <&> (float <* pcre "'|′|%27|%E2%80%B2" <* ws
- <&> (float <* pcre "\"|″|%22|%E2%80%B3" <* ws))
- <&> pcre "[NSEOW]")
- let dec = float <* opt (str "%C2%B0")
- let deg =
- conv
- (fun x -> match x with
- | `Left v | `Right v -> v)
- (fun y -> (* write decimal by default *) `Left y)
- (dec <|> deg_min_sec)
- let sep = pcre "([,; +]|%20|%2C|%3B)+"
- let lat_lon_pair = deg <&> sep *> deg
- let geo_uri =
- opt (pcre "geo(:|%3A)") *> lat_lon_pair
- <* opt (pcre "(\\?|%3F)z(=|%3D)[0-9]+")
- let lat_lon = compile (geo_uri <* stop)
- let qs_lat_lon = compile (str "q=" *> geo_uri <* stop)
- end
- let coord_from_qs qs = qs |> Tyre.exec P.qs_lat_lon
- let coord_from_s s = s |> Tyre.exec P.lat_lon